Chapter Five- I Remember

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I awoke, groaning, clinging to my stomach as it grumbled. "Hey, good morning. Are you feeling better?" Clint, keeper of med-jacks asked softly, as he made his way across the room to me.

"I'm hungrier than a polar bear on steroids."

I was aware that nothing I was saying made much sense, but it made sense to me.

"What happened?" I queried him. He looked at me, worried but with a small smile, and said, "You fell into the box and landed on your head, then you went unconscious."

I couldn't help but laugh. It was all so random. My stomach growled again, ravenous, and brought me back to reality. "How long was I out?" Clint thinks for a short while before replying, "About 2 days". I felt my eyes bulge out of my head. 2 days?? Holy shit.

I began to get up, feeling blood rush to my head, and sat myself back down, cradling my pounding skull in my hands. "Woah" I said groggily. Clint laughed and handed me a tablet. "Here take this, it will get rid of that headache, and then you're free to go." I took it and thanked him gratefully before saying goodbye and venturing off to get food.

I'd barely made it out the door when 2 short hands wrapped around my waist. "Well hey there Chuckster". Laughter was suppressed by my lips, threatening to escape as I ran my hand through his soft curls.

"Are you okay? What happened? You were gone for 2 days. I thought you died!" Chuck rambled on before settling back to ask me if I was okay.

"Yeah I'm fine Chuck, no way you could get rid of me that easily. I'm just pissed off at this headache." I said, holding the bridge of my nose. "And reaaaally hungry" This comment causes his face to light up, a warm feeling bursts inside my stomach as the glint returned to his pure eyes.

"I know where we can get food! Follow me!" He says, eagerly dragging me along as I release my helpless laughter.


We stand outside a cosy hut, filled to the brim with pots and pans and other cooking items. I spot a warm face, smiling happily as he stands over the stove. I'm frozen, mesmerized by how happy this boy is, completely in his element.

It was absolutely captivating seeing someone enjoying something so much.  "Hi Frypan", Chuck says, "Do you have any left-over food for my greenie here?" Frypan continues smiling. "Of course I do" he says warmly.

He passes me a small bowl of food, as it touches my lips, a smile infects my face. "Oh my god, this is fucking amazing!" I stress the last part of the sentence, before Newt's hand reaches my face.

"Greenie! Glad you're awake but watch the language." He exclaims, pointing to little Chuck next to me.

"Whoops." I shrug and chuckle lightly.

"Really Frypan, this is incredible." I continue to praise him, he blushes slightly and thanks me for the compliments. I swiftly eat the rest of the meal.

"Have you thought of what you want your job to be yet? Your trials start tomorrow." Newt asks. I shake my head, still weighing up all the options. All I knew was that I was not going to be a builder or slicer.

"I thought you had the chops to be a runner" My face lit up, remembering how fast I was, "Well that was until you faceplanted." Newt laughs, and I shove him softly. "Very funny Newt, anyways I really don't know." I say, staring at the floor.

"Hey Fry?" I ask. Frypan peeks his head around a wall again to answer. "Yes?" "Do you think you could show me how to make this?" I asked eagerly, feeling drawn to the happy atmosphere inside the kitchen. He nodded ecstatically and took my hand, a small yelp leaving my lips and I'm introduced to the incredible world of the Glade's kitchen.

After a quick briefing, I begin helping Fry make more of the stew, ready for the rest of the Gladers at lunch. As I'm chopping, I feel completely at peace, my smile never leaving my face.

And then all of a sudden, there it is. The smallest piece of information that had left my mind rushed back, and I grasped it with all my might.


I dropped my knife, smiling so hard I thought my cheeks would burst. "Oh my, are you okay?" Frypan asked. I grabbed his hands and spun him around, giggling and smiling.

"Hey what happened?" He queries me, laughing slightly. "I remember my name!" I whisper-shout, squealing with happiness. "Really? That's great! What is it?" Frypan questions, all of his curiosity bursting through, not bothering to hide.

"Y/n!" I squeal, spinning him around one more time before thanking him for the lesson and running out to tell Chuck and Newt. "Goodbye Frypan, thanks so much!" I yell, still smiling and running quickly. "You're welcome y/n! And congrats!" His words trail after me.

My running seems to gather attention, everyone stopping what they're doing to watch. Chuck was waiting outside the barn, probably waiting for Winston to get him to clean pig's guts or something.

I sprinted over to him, picking him up and spinning him around before planting a small kiss on his cheek, causing him to go even redder and laugh, surprised at my actions.

"Hey.. what's happened?" He asks in between laughter.

"I remember my name! It's y/n!" I say, my smile never leaving my face.

"Oh woah... y/n... that's amazing, y/n!" His smile just adds to my enthusiasm.

"I'm gonna go tell Newt!" I hurry off, leaving him there, still laughing from the whole situation.

"Newt, Newt, Newt!" I shout, sprinting my way over to the trackhoes, stumbling slightly with excitement. Newt immediately stands up, followed by the rest of the trackhoes.

"What is it? What's wrong greenie?" His eyes look anxious, his fists curled into knuckles, like he thought someone had hurt me. The rest of the gladers have all formed a circle around us, even the nasty builders.

I ignore them and continue laughing. "y/n! My name is y/n!"

He picks me up into a hug, doing the exact routine I had just done on Chuck. "That's great y/n!" He smiles and I look around, everyone in the glade smiling and chanting 'y/n'.

Newt's hands find my shoulders and shake them, planting another kiss on my cheek. I blush at this subtle action, the action which caused another glader to stop chanting.

Gally. He had joined the others, but now was staring, straight at Newt and I. I looked in his eyes and was surprised at what I saw.

Was that hurt? Jealousy even? No, it couldn't be. He made his opinion on me very clear.

Memories of him calling me a dumb shank cloud my vision and my smile drops. Newt whispers in my ear, "hey, what's wrong?".

"Nothing, I'm gonna go for a walk", I say, producing a small smile and patting his shoulder, letting him know not to worry.

The bustling crowd soon disperses with Alby scolding them all to get back to their work. I head straight for the forest of lush, green trees that I was encircled by earlier, praying to find their serene solace once again.

The picture of Gally's face when Newt kissed my cheek rushing endlessly through my crumpled memories.

I hop up onto a fallen tree, balancing with my arms outstretched, giggling at the many times I almost slip. I reach the end of the rough bark and jump off, grunting sightly at the impact.

A bright light reaches my peripheral as I look up to the pure sun that peeked above the leafy canopy.

By its position, I can tell it's getting later, and the bonfire that Chuck mentioned to me previously, which for some reason is being held for my arrival, would be starting promptly.

Jealousy // Gally x readerWhere stories live. Discover now