Chapter Twenty: Bloody

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Today, Enzo's job in the Glade will be chosen. Over the past two weeks, I've seen him less and less, he's been trying really hard in all of his trials, and I'm so proud. In the little chats we do have, I can tell he's taking a liking to Newt, mentioning him in almost every conversation.

I sit up in my hammock, surprisingly awake despite the painfully, unreasonably early time, and stretch my arms out as wide as possible. Chuck comes sprinting into them, and I fall backwards as we collide. "Ah-" I yelp, landing in a pile on the floor. "Oh, good morning Chucky, you're up early." I rub my eyes, he's never up in time for breakfast, let alone an hour before.

I stand up and begin wiping the dirt off me, feeling something across the back of my pants. "Chuck, do I have dirt on my ass?" I ask him, twisting my head around my body in an attempt to see. His mouth drops wide and tears emerge from his eyes.

"Oh my god! Y/n! You're bleeding! What happened? Are you okay?" He repeats frantically, moving closer to me to try and figure out how I'm bleeding. I stare at him, extremely confused. "Bleeding?" I ask him and he nods violently, fear stuck in his eyes.

I drop my gaze to where he's looking and release a loud "ohhhh".

My period.

I'd honestly forgotten about that. I can just about remember being on my last day when I first came to the Glade, so I probably didn't worry about it too much. I'm snapped back from my notion as I feel Chuck start clinging to my leg, tears running down his face.

"Y/n, you're gonna die! W-we gotta take you to the med jacks", he sputters, yanking me by my hand. "No, no, no, no-" I protest, not wanting them to get involved with his. "Chuck, NO!" I yank my hand away and he shoves my chest lightly. "Y/n! You're gonna die, come on!" He screams, wiping away his fresh tears.

I start chuckling at him, and he stares at me in disbelief. "Chuck, I'm not going to die. Yes, I am bleeding, but not in that way. Can you just go and get Gally please?" I ask him, covering my mouth from my giggles as he nods sharply and runs off. I position myself against the med jack hut, shielding the back of my pants from everyone.

"Y/n, what happened? Chuck told me you're bleeding, are you okay?" Gally asks desperately, cupping my face to check me for injuries. I remove his hands and laugh at him. "I'm fine Gal, I just need your help." He nods obediently, waiting patiently for my orders.

"Y'know how every month, girls get their, uhm, 'ladies days'?" I ask awkwardly, using exaggerated quotation marks. I'm met with a deep look of pure confusion and drop my face into my hands. "Their what?" He asks, and I groan. "Oh, come on, you know" I say, urging him with my hands but he just shakes his head and frustration boils within me.

I keep attempting to send him hints, but he just cannot seem to get them.

"My period you jacked dickhead!" I scream at him, before covering my mouth with my hand. That same hand soon moves to the back of my neck, rubbing it with embarrassment. "Erm, sorry, that was mean." I whisper, but Gally just laughs. "All good n/n, what do you need?" He asks, tucking a small strand of hair behind my ear.

"On the top shelf in the med-jack hut", I begin, jabbing my thumb to the shack behind us, "there's a small pack. Can you grab me one of the tampons please?" I find it hard to look at him as I ask, overly self-conscious about the whole situation. He simply nods and runs inside, and I tap my foot against the floor, praying that he's quick.

He appears from the door, my small pouch tucked in his arms. I cough slightly on my laughter as he looks from side to side, obviously not wanting anyone to see him carrying a period pack. "Here you go sailor", he says, passing me the pack as I thank him, turn, and sprint to the bathrooms. As I run, I call behind me, "Get Newt to shift his ass to the showers ASAP!", and I hear him begin jogging to the trackhoes.

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