Chapter Eight- Baggers

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I stir in my sleep, quietly turning and groaning as I try to navigate dreamworld. You'd think that I'd had a nightmare but really my mind was just blank. A sliver of sunlight snaked into my view, peeking through the halo of trees above me, landing on my droopy eyelids, coaxing me to open my eyes to the glade, still blurry with a light haze from my recent sleep.

I'm drawn by the tantalizing aroma of sizzling bacon and Frypan's delightful breakfast, the scent clinging to my body. I pad across the dew-covered plains, my shoes whispering against the damp, minty grass.

The insistent chirp of boys chattering felt like a personal attack this early in the morning, each shrill sentence echoing through my sleep-deprived mind. Despite my desperate pleas with Newt about having to work with the Baggers today, it's an inevitable event that I'm just going to have to deal with.

I resume my usual spot, wedged comfortably between Chuck and Minho, slowly chomping down on Frypan's masterpiece, delicious as usual. Breakfast ends far too soon for my liking, and I rest my elbows on the table, burying my face in them and groaning loudly.

"Oh come on y/n, the baggers aren't that bad." Minho rubs my back, attempting to comfort me. "Really Minho? 'Not that bad'? Have you heard the shit they've been saying to me? I've managed to avoid it well enough but now I have to be with them for a whole day." I grumble, shrinking further into my arms and trying to fall asleep, the boys around me chuckling as I produce whines. "Stop whinging you shank. Come on you lot, we have work to do." Newt says, still laughing at me, as he collects our table's plates for Fry.

I contemplate running away and hiding in a tree until the end of time, when I feel two lanky, grubby hands make their way onto my shoulders, trying to massage my neck. I manoeuvre out of their grip and realise it's Billy, allowing me to sigh loudly. "Ready for a day with your favourite man gorgeous?" Billy asks, smirking disgustingly. "Wait, I get to work with Chuck today?" I say sarcastically, his smile drops and transfers onto little Chuck's face. I pull Chuck into a tight hug before walking off behind Billy, following him to the middle of the Glade, taking one last glance at Chuck with despair.

"So what do you guys even do?" I ask, realising I only have the slightest clue. "Well, we kind of just make sure everyone sticks to the rules, and yeah that's pretty much it, unless there's a dead body that needs to be buried." I gulped, thank God no one had died recently. I move away from the rest of the group, using the excuse that I'll manage the rules in a different part of the Glade, but alas, I was soon followed by Billy as I sat on a conveniently placed log, and he joins me.

"Billy what are you doing, can't you be a bagger in another part of the Glade?" He sits there silently, just smiling smugly at me and looking at my hair. I feel his slender hand make its way to my thigh and begin tracing it. My mouth drops open and I slap it off, attempting to stand up before he grabs my arm and pulls me back down.

"What the fuck?" I spit at him, his grip on me loosening but still holding me down. "If you happened to forget, you're on trial, I have to stay with you to monitor how you're doing." A smile creeps back across his dirt-splashed face and I scoff, but I know he's right. We stand up and start walking around the Glade, I talk to him on the condition he doesn't come on to me. We settle that he won't flirt with me for an hour, which is not long enough in my opinion, but it's better than nothing.

When he's not being a douche, he's actually quite tolerable. We gossip about the other boys of the Glade, mostly the other baggers, and it's quite nice. That was until we had to separate a fight between Gally and one of the other slicers who knocked over whatever he was building. The fight could've easily been avoided, but both of them were just too stubborn. At least it didn't get physical.

We stop off at Frypan's kitchen and grab some lunch, deciding not to eat it at the tables, but instead going back to relax on the log from earlier. The rest of the baggers join us, and we start playing 20 questions. It really didn't go anywhere though as we all had different bits of our memories, meaning not many of us knew the same famous people. We sit for 20 minutes or so before returning to work, yawning slightly as I'm ripped from my comfortable position. As we get up, Billy asks one of his friends for the time.

I follow Billy behind the homestead, thinking he's going to show me something important. Nothing could've prepared me for what really happened.

(A/n) This scene may be triggering for some people, read with care ❤️

Where is My Mind - Pixies 

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

He grabs my wrists, pressing them up against the back wall of the homestead and I yelp. "What the fuck Billy?" I scream at him, failing to push him away. I can see a small group of boys run over, accompanied with Newt, but they're still too far to stop it as Billy starts leaning in. "Oh come off it y/n, you had fun today, I know you did. Don't try denying it." I squirm in his grasp, his warm breath inches away from my neck as I feel him leaning in, a warm tear running down my cheek. It was all so overwhelming.

I scream for help, Newt and the others getting closer with each second. It's getting too much, I can't take it. With a large yell, I blow my knee roughly into his crotch, and punch him straight on the nose. He lets go of me, his hand shooting straight to his, now bloody, face. I feel another tear run down my cheek, rubbing it briskly with my hand and running over to Newt, burying my face deep into his chest as he looks around, confused by the encounter.

Billy lies on the floor, groaning. "What the fuck did you do, you crazy bitch?" He yells at me, still clutching where I'd hit him. "You broke my nose you slut!".


One of the worst things a woman can be called. I let go of Newt, strutted over to the crumple that was Billy, and kicked him hard, over and over. "You awful, awful, excuse for a boy" I yell at him, not allowing a single tear to fall for this loser in front of everyone. "Get off me!" He screams as I'm pulled off him by Alby, and thrown in the pit.

I collapse to the floor, my back facing the entrance. I won't let them see me cry. Not now. My quiet sobs bounce of the deep walls of my cage, not daring to peak through the roof made of sticks.

I can't believe it. He humiliated me, caused me to crack, and I'm the one who has to spend a night in this hell hole. I decrease my volume, lightly shaking from what just happened, and eventually fall asleep. It was still light outside, probably almost dinner, but I knew conditions of the pit would mean I wouldn't be getting any. 

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