Chapter Nineteen - Lorenzo

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I yelp at the terrifying view above me, greenie's dark brown eyes just inches away from my face.

What the fuuuck?

"Uh, can I help you?" I hiss at him, keeping my voice at a whisper-shout in desperate attempts not to wake Gally. "Lorenzo", he says to me, smiling proudly. "Lorenzo?" I repeat, my brows furrowing.

The fuck is that supposed to mean?

"I'm Lorenzo!" He squeals, and I put my hand to his mouth, knowing Gally would kill him if he was woken up. "That's great green bean! Now get out of my room." I grabbed my pillow, hitting him across the face before he scurries out, and I chuckle to myself, rolling over back into Gally's arms.

He stirs and yawns slightly, eyes blinking open. "What was that about?" He asks, arm still gripped tightly over my waist. "Shit, I didn't want to wake you. Anyways, Greenie remembered his name, it's Lorenzo", I replied, stroking a small strand of hair away from his face, it was getting longer, and I was not complaining.

"Oh, that's great. Did he really have to wake us up though?" He complains in between yawns. I roll out of bed and begin brushing my hair, "that's exactly what I was thinking". He groaned as he stood up, walking over to spin me around and rest his chin on my head, arms taking their familiar position around me once again. "Gal, uh, I gotta do my hair." I declare awkwardly, my voice muffled against his chest. He laughed and pulled away, spinning me around once again. "Let me."

He splits my hair into three sections, plaiting it slowly down my back. Not that I like admitting it, but he was good, maybe even better than I was. "Woah, Gally, this is amazing! Where did you learn how to braid?" I asked him, marvelling at the twisted strands of hair in my hands, tied securely with my trusty elastic band. "I have no clue, I just know."

I peck him on the cheek before skipping out of the homestead, over to the kitchen to begin my day of work. As we're chopping, Chuck comes bursting in, a small contraption in his hands. Fry drops his pan, hands meeting his mouth. 

"Holy mother of shuck, is that what I think it is?" He squeals, holding his arms out for Chuck to pass him the gadget. "Yep, you're wish has been granted Frypan", Chuck replied, placing it carefully in his hands. I strut over to them, spinning Fry around, and my eyes light up. "Oh my god!" Fry and I say in unison, squealing random shit to each other.  

A radio. 


I snatch it from his hands, turning it on and switching between channels, trying to find a good song. A smile spreads across my face as 'Starman' by David Bowie flicks into our earshot. Somehow, we all know the lyrics, and start screaming them and dancing around as we cook. It definitely caused us to be less productive, but it really brightened up our already lively workplace.

We're all laughing and smiling, completely in our element, and I wish we could stay like this forever.

Right on cue, the boys start filing up to the stand. Jack volunteered to hand them breakfast this morning, and I was so glad, especially since I knew the baggers had been released. 

Why can't they just take the fucking hint? It isn't even a hint at this point, I have verbally and physically told them to piss off.

A few of the boys complement our new radio, many of them filled with jealousy at our fresh device and how happy it was making us.

I grab one of my favourite granola bars, about to slip out of the kitchen, before Fry stops me. "Here y/n, thank you for the radio" he smiles, holding a brightly wrapped lollipop in his fist. He obviously didn't know Chuck had snatched me one last night. Still, I fling my arms around him, repeating thank you about 50 times before I let go and run over to my table, leaving Frypan frozen and laughing.

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