Chapter Thirteen- I Love You

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Chuck and I have spent the last 2 hours just talking about the prank, and how it went down on both our sides. 

"So, are you going to forgive Newt?" He asks me, and I look to the sky as if that will help me decide. "I think so, I mean he wasn't advocating for my stay, but he didn't say anything against me staying either, and he really seems sorry." Chuck smiles at this, he obviously misses sitting in the small group at mealtimes. 

"What about Minho?" I fall silent, remembering how quickly he decided against me. "That might take a bit longer, can we sit with the builders at dinner?" He nods, smile faltering as he realises the group might take a little while longer than expected to reconcile.

We slip through the lines of wooden tables and benches, finding our way to Frypan, handing out everyone's dinner. "Hi Fry!", I say cheerily, smiling as he waves at us. "You're working with me tomorrow y/n", I smile even wider, this is my final trial and I'm positive that it will go great.

"Really? That's amazing, I'm so excited", he laughs at my joy, passing me and Chuck our plates as we move off toward the tables. I pass Chuck my dessert, "Here's your payment for my little prank earlier." I hadn't promised him anything, but I know how much he loves dessert, and his eyes showed me I was correct. He hugged me tightly, already taking a bite before we'd sat down.

"After dinner we have to finish the laundry and do everyone's requests", Chuck reminds me, and I nod at him. We weave through the tables, finding ourselves by the builders. 

Our usual table falls silent as they notice, Newt and I exchanging small smiles. I sit beside Gally, Chuck beside me, Hank opposite, and the other builders file in around us. "We decided to grace you with our presence tonight boys" I utter, kissing Gally on the cheek and we settle with them. "Great!" Hank's smile causes Gally to shoot him daggers, so I kick him softly under the table, laughing slightly at his actions.

We talk for a short while before Gally stands, kissing my forehead and excusing himself, "I have something I gotta do, see you later." "Bye Gal." I reply with a wave. Now it was just Chuck and I left with the rest of the builders. 

"So, y/n, why do you like Gally?" One of them asks bluntly. "What do you mean?" I stare at him, visibly confused. "Well, he's just a bit uhm, rude? And he was such a shank to you, so why do you like him?" 

I try and think of the best answer, but just end up saying the first thing that comes to mind.

 "Yeah, he was a bit of a dick, but he's actually nice if you take the time to get to know him." This comment causes some of the boys to choke on their food. "Gally? Nice? Never thought I'd hear those two words in the same sentence." Another boy perks, and I stare at my food, unsure of how to respond.

"Slim it shuck-face. We all have work to finish, let's go", Hank smiles at me and I mouth a thank you for getting them to shut up. I take the table's plates, much to Hank's protest, and follow Chuck back to the laundry room. 

The clothes have finally dried so we unclip them and place them in neat piles dedicated to each boy. "Chuck what's this?" I ask him, pointing to the clothes' tags that all say W.C.K.D. "I'm not sure, all the supplies we get have that on them." I nod and continue folding the fresh clothes. "Want me to help you hand these out?" "No thanks, I'll do it in the morning, we have to go do the requests." I sigh as I follow him, trailing just behind him as we walk back over to Frypan.

"Oh Frypan!" I call to him in a sing song tune, bowing slightly, "Time for your radio." He laughs and places the pot he was using down, making his way over to us. "I think you two already know what I want." 

We nod and he peers over Chuck's shoulder as he puts 'working radio' in the first spot. There are only 10 spots, and Chuck tells me they take turns. "Who's turn is it this time?" He thinks for a few seconds before replying. 

"Well Frypan, Hank, Ben..." My mind trails off as he names the rest of the boys who's turn it was for a request. We finish in about 30 minutes, and I'm absolutely exhausted. There's only so much conversation you can have with teenage boys about their desires.

"See ya in the morning Chuckster." I ruffle his hair softly as he collapses into his hammock. "Night y/n", he mutters in between yawns. I interwork my way between the rest of the hammocks and see Gally's tall figure facing his back to me, muttering nervously and fiddling with something in his hands.

"Gally?" I call to him, and he turns around. "What are you doing here?" "Come with me", he grabs my hand and pulls me softly along with him, making our way through the crowded deadheads, manoeuvring our bodies around the pining trees.

He lets my hand drop as we reach the lake. It looks even more beautiful at night-time, the full moon, a luminous pearl, casting an ethereal glow on the reflective waters. I look at his face, he's staring straight outward towards the water, his usually bold expression laced with vulnerability. He cleared his throat roughly.

"Y/n" he began, his voice low and hesitant, "there's something I need to tell you."

A shiver danced down my spine, both from the cool night air and the anticipation that hung heavy between us. I nodded, unable to tear my gaze from him.

He took a deep breath, his hands clenching and unclenching by his sides. "Ever since you entered the Glade, curled up beneath those boxes, you've been a constant. A bright light in the darkness. You see the good in everyone, even when it seems impossible."

He paused, his eyes finding mine. I stayed silent, listening for what he was trying to say. He continued, "Being around you, it makes me feel better, be better." A warmth bloomed in my chest. Gally, the hardass builder, the boy who always seemed cold and closed off, was opening up to me.

"Y/n" he finally blurted, his voice husky. "What I'm trying to say is that..." He paused slightly before continuing, "I love you... more than words can explain." The world seemed to hold its breath, the only sound being my heart hammering against my ribs. I had always had a deep connection with Gally, a quiet understanding that transcended words. But hearing him confess his love felt like a dream, a beautiful, unexpected dream.

A smile, hesitant at first, blooming into a full grin, spread across my face. "Gally," I whispered, my voice thick with emotion, "I love you too".

Relief rushes over his features, followed by a slow, dazzling smile that transformed his face. He stepped closer, his hand reaching out to gently cup my cheek, the moonlight glinting in his eyes. I close the gap between us. The kiss was soft as first before being filled with a newfound urgency.

I pulled back, our foreheads pressed together, eyes closed. In that moment, beneath the vast expanse of the night sky, I knew, with a fierce certainty, that I had found my solace, my strength, my love, in the heart of the Glade, in the unwavering eyes of Gally.

With a shy smile, he reaches into his pocket, pulling out the delicate chain, its gold gleaming in the small produce of light. Dangling from it was a familiar sight- a heart-shaped pendant crafted roughly from the gold of my precious ring. The one I had decided only to wear on special occasions. In the centre, nestled against the cool material, was the tiny crystal that accompanied the ring.

Tears welled up in my eyes. He had noticed the random importance of that ring, salvaging a part of me to create a symbol of our future together. "I know it's not much, and isn't crafted very well," He mumbled, looking down at his calloused hands, "but I wanted you to have something to hold onto. A reminder of what we have, even when things are tough."

I threw my arms around him, burying my face in his chest. "It's perfect", I whispered, clasping the chilled chain around my skin. "The most perfect thing you could've given me".

He held me tightly, the sound of my heartbeat a comforting rhythm against his own. As we stood there, embraced beneath the moonlit sky, I knew that the future held us, together. And that, more than anything, was a treasure to hold onto.

Sleep threatened to attack my body, still wrapped in Gally's arms, but all I could think about was the boy I loved.

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