Chapter Thirty-Five - Grievers

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Everyone's frantically moving around, holding torches or anything else that could vaguely resemble a weapon. "Hey Winston! What's going on?" Thomas asks, stopping the olive-skinned boy in his tracks. "It's the doors, they aren't closing." He replies hastily, and fear floods my senses, drowning out any words said.

It's not possible. It just can't happen.

A group of boys are running towards the door, which I think is quite idiotic considering it apparently isn't closing us in for the night, leaving us without protection. The rest of the boys that I was previously with follow the others, including Teresa, but I refuse. I want to get as far away from that door as I can.

I was thinking of running to the other side of the Glade, pressed up against the wall opposite the open one, but just as I'm about to begin running, a deep rumbling shakes the floor, and the rest of the doors open. All four of them. Giving the grievers three new access points to attack from and stealing any hope of safety that I believed I could have against the concrete.

The night air sends a chill down my spine, so I quickly dart over to my hammock and adorn myself with my flimsy white button up once again. The same one that happens to accompany me whenever the grievers feel like giving me a visit.

I can see Gally, Thomas and Newt giving everyone orders, and the mob separating. I sprint towards the deadheads, my hearing impaired by the sound of my panting and racing heartbeat that feels like it might jump out of my chest. I climb into the highest branches of my fighting tree, tucking my knees into my chest and rocking back and forth as my senses repair.

In the distance, I can hear the ear-piercing screams of my friends, my family, dying. For all I know, that could be Gally, or little Chuck, being ripped to pieces, and I'm cowering in a tree alone.

Beneath me, I can hear scuttling. I peer over the edge and see two metal legs, almost rolling across the leaf-covered turf. I press my back against the heartwood, clamping my hand over my mouth to muffle my heavy breathing.

It moves away, unaware of my existence, and I jump down from the tree with a large thud. I can't do it. I can't just sit and hide whilst my friends are dying. Grievers roar from every side of the Glade, each one accompanied by a hoarse, painful scream.

I sprint into the wheat fields, crouching in their tall solace. Unable to stop, I run straight into someone, who grunts quietly. They turn around, and I see Thomas, Teresa and Zart staring at me. I throw my arms around them, thankful that they're all alive.

We drop to the floor, trying to stay as low as possible to avoid detection. Another small group joins us, and I can see Billy wedge himself beside Teresa, his face illuminated by the orange hue that casts from the torch he's holding.

Within the winding plants, just a few paces away, we hear another scream as a boy gets yanked away by the monsters. I start trembling, my eyes frozen on the ground in front of me, wishing I could just curl into a ball and block it all out. The shaking becomes more violent, only calming down when Billy places a hand on my own. This action usual would've repulsed me, only adding to my terror, but it offered an unexpected comfort.

A large, metal pincer rises above the reeds, right above Zart's head. "Zart, watch out!" I yell, reaching to grab him as he looks upward, and the tail grabs hold of him, hoisting him into the air and away from the rest of us.

The others begin to run, but I find myself unable to move. I'm pulled onto my feet by a terrified Billy, who grabs my arm and pulls me along with the rest of them. We escape the chest-high stalks and attempt to take refuge in the village.

As we arrive, so do the grievers, and we don't get much of a chance to regain our stamina. The hammocks get ripped from their post, beams of wood collapsing onto the night-glazed floor. My eyes hysterically scanning through the moving figures I see darting around, desperately searching for a short, chubby 12-year-old.

Since I was so indulged in searching for Chuck, I became separated from the group I was with, and ended up stumbling around blindly, my vision blurred with fear and my head spinning nauseously.

I look to my right, and spy Chuck, Thomas and some of the others all rushing into the council building, slamming the door against a prying griever that was chasing them. I realise I haven't seen Gally yet, so I call out for him over the chaos with every particle of air left in my lungs. "Gally?"

"Y/n?" I can barely hear it, but I do. The small voice that emigrates from inside the box itself, the one that brought us all up to our deaths. I sprint towards it with everything I have, my legs still feeling like jelly from both my run in the maze and the escapes I have been making over the last hour.

I arrive at the metal crate, and Gally flings open the roof, grabbing my waist for stability and pulling me inside. I kneel on the floor, regaining both breath and energy with my hands on my knees. Alongside Gally and I, Hank and Dan have also taken refuge in this small space.

A banging occurs above, and I snap my neck upwards. "Gally, let me in!" A boy yells, the darkness making me unable to work out who it was. Just as Gally pushes up on the roof, he's elevated towards the sky, just out of our grasp.

I shuffle backwards into the corner of the box, wrapping my arms around my knees and rocking back and forth, squeezing my eyes shut and occasionally covering my ears in an attempt to remove myself from the situation.

My breathing quickens on the verge of an intense panic attack. Gally notices this and sits beside me, pulling me into his chest and wrapping his arms around my chest so that I calm down. Unfortunately, this only works for a few minutes until the screams become unbearable and I distance myself from reality.

A/n: Really sorry that this one is short, but the next one is like 4000-5000 words.

Would also just like to say that I was listening to Femininomenon by Chappell Roan whilst writing this, and it really did not suit the vibe 😗

Also, Cigarettes After Sex released baby blue movie and it's incredible go listen right now

Omg and also there's only like 3 long chapters left until we're finished! I'm thinking of writing one for Scorch Trials (will have Gally's POVs since he's not in the movie) and another for TDC.

Fuck that was a massive authors note, and I doubt anyone read it.

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