Chapter Thirty-Four - Return

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When we finally return, there's the customary semi-circle of uneasy onlookers, some staring at us with surprise, others with anger. Gally is somehow a perfect example of both, warped with a few other expressive emotions that are tainting his features.

Like always, I'm at the back. I'm used to it at this point, plus it allows me to get a head start on slipping away from anyone who wants to talk to me, since they'd have to get through the other boys first.

I keep my head down and power stride through the boys, not giving a single one of them any eye contact. Pounding footsteps begin to follow me, matching a tall, broad shadow that is just out of reach. I know it's Gally, of course it would be Gally, but maybe if I keep walking, we won't need to have this conversation.

"Y/n, stop." He demands harshly, and I know there's no use in running. I do as he asks, planting my feet in the soft dirt, and he walks in front of me, staring down with intimidation. I keep my gaze on the ground, knowing he can see straight through me.

"What the shuck was that?" He asks, almost shouting, and I stay silent. "Y/n, I asked you a question, answer me."

"They couldn't go in just them; it was too dangerous." I squeak, lifting my vision but not my head. "But why you? And why did you leave without saying anything?" He queries, his tone a concoction of anger and worry. "I just happened to be with them, and I'm the fastest person in the whole Glade. Newt just thought-"

"Newt allowed it?" He cuts me off, the anger in his voice overtaking any concern. "Gally, calm down. Yes, Newt allowed it, but only because I was the only other person suitable to go. I would've gone even if he didn't let me." He falls silent, and just as I tilt my head up to meet his gaze, I notice his is now the one that cowers away.

"That was really stupid y/n. What if you'd gotten hurt?" The tips of his words were locked with subtle anger, one that could easily explode if I didn't diminish them soon. "Gally, I'm fine." I place my hand on his arm, but he shrugs it off. "But you might not have been! We have these rules for a reason."

"Gal... I'm fine." I say reassuringly, not letting him move away from my hand anymore. He stays quiet for a few more seconds before speaking, dropping his gaze from the walls to the floor.

"And why did you leave without saying anything?" He finally speaks, his head completely lowered and voice small. "I was about to, but then Thomas ran in, and Minho and I had to follow."

"Thomas?" There was the anger again, alongside his seemingly constant companion of jealousy. Although, this time, the anger was quite fair. Last time I went into the maze with Thomas it was one of the shittiest days I've had yet.

"Gally, you have to trust me, we're just friends. Nothing more."

"I trust you; I just don't trust him." His head stands tall now, but he's sending a burning glare in Thomas' direction, as though nothing could snap him from this trance. "Gally." I say, but he doesn't stir. I grab his face softly, removing him from his distraction and pulling his face so that he's forced to look at me.

"Gally, look at me. I'm yours, no one is ever going to change that, okay?" He met my gaze, and for a moment, I swore I saw a flicker of the future. He didn't need to respond. Instead, he closed our small distance in a single stride, his calloused hand tilting my chin upwards for better access. His touch, hesitant at first, gentled as he brushed his thumb across the corner of my lips. Then, with a quiet urgency that mirrored the pounding of my own heart, he pulled me into a kiss.

It wasn't an apology, not this time. It was a declaration. A desperate attempt to explain the passion he feels without needing to use his words. It was a kiss fuelled by a love he'd spent too long worrying over, a love as fierce and unwavering as his loyalty to the Glade. In that single touch, the weight of unspoken emotions collided- a plea for complete forgiveness, a promise of devotion, and a yearning for a future where trust wouldn't be a fragile thing, but the bedrock of our bond.

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