Radio Killed the Video Star (Pt.2)

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-+ Hell +-
-+ Hazbin Hotel +-
-+ Evening +-

Sam had just returned with groceries, after several attempts of muggings, of course, and only one offer of 'bed breaking, mind bending sex' thankfully.

Now, with an irritated look on his face, Sam is cooking, whatever really... Breakfast isn't supposed to have preferences, but it is supposed to have options.

-+ Timeskip +-

With breakfast out of the way... The day can (return) to going smoothly...

The demons Alastor summoned are still repairing bits of the wall that was destroyed, Sam is sweeping up a bit of dust, Husk is behind the bar, and Angel is sat on one of the few couches in the lobby.

The doors to the hotel swing open, and Charlie with Vaggie in tow walk into the lobby, the Princess walks to one of the couches and flops onto it, exhausted.

"Soooo? How'd it go?" Angel leans into the armrest, looking over his couch at Charlie.

Vaggie sighs, "Not a single new recruit."

Which causes Angel to snort, "Yeah well, who would wanna use their last days not fucking and fighting?" Sam, having heard the rhetorical question, raises his hand, "Who, besides Sam, would wanna use their last days not fucking and fighting."

Sam's hand lowers slowly, which causes Angel to let out a quiet "Heh." Then stands, walking off towards the bathroom.

When there's a knock at the door, Vaggie turns her attention to the door, then walks over and opens it, only to find Sir Pentious behind it, holding his hat in his hands in front of his stomach, "Why, hello my dear-"

Sir Pentious is cut off by Vaggie punching him in the face, "AUGH!" The snake falls backwards out the door onto the stairs, landing on his back, quickly he lifts a hand in a peace sign as Vaggie levels her spear to his throat, "Wait, wait, wait! I come in peaccce!"

Vaggie pokes him with her spear, "What are you doing here?"

Charlie, followed by Sam, appear at the door, behind Vaggie, "Vaggie, what's the problem?" The Princess then spots Sir Pentious, and gasps, "Oh! Hello again!"

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