The Show Must Go On (Pt.3)

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-+ Hell +-
-+ The Hazbin Hotel +-
-+ Afternoon +-

Samael is shielding Charlie from stray attacks from Adam and Lucifer, his massive steel wings folded over her head just enough to let her see out.

Lucifer is still flying around Adam's head like a bird, "You?! Judging me?!" Adam scoffs as he fires a beam of light, which bounces off Samaels wings, "You're the most hated being in all of creation!"

Adam fires another beam at Lucifer, which misses, "Well, your first wife didn't seem to hate what I had to offer... Or the second, bow-chicka-pow-pow!"

"It's-! Ugh, nevermind..." Samael facepalms.

Adam shakes with rage as he slams into Lucifer, getting the king in a chokehold, "I'll fuckin' end you!"

Lucifer suddenly turns into a horse, kicking Adam in the chest, "Whoa, missed me!" Lucifer turns back into his normal form then turns, narrowly dodging a beam of light, "Hoohoo, not even close," he laughs, "Nice try, douchebag!"

Adam growls, "Hold still, you slipper fucker!"

"Wait, Sam, Vaggie!" The angel turns, sure enough, Vaggie and Lute are still fighting eachother...

Samael unfurls his wings and Charlie runs to help Vaggie... Samael quickly folds his wings and dodges to the side, just as a massive beam of holy light slices the hotel right in half, Charlie screams as she falls, Samael quickly jumps to the center then throws himself downward, his wings seperating into six as he grabs Charlie, quickly turning to float up.

Lucifer has had swooped down, "Here, I'll handle Adam." Samael holds the arm Charlie is holding onto toward Lucifer, and she jumps to him.

Adam is laughing as he dives towards them, "Woah wait, what the fuck?!" he flails his arms and his wings flap wildly as Samael literally breaks the sound barrier punching him in the face, which catapults him into the floor, forming a crater where he lands...

His mask is completely shattered now, he sits up, groaning, to see Samaels six wings unfurled, a golden light shining around him, "This was going to happen sometime Adam..." he shakes his head, Lucifer and Charlie hover behind him, fully demonic, "And now that it has, I have to say... I'm enjoying the view."

Samael lands in the crater, grabbing Adam by the shirt, "I'll punch you for every year you made me forget..." He scowls, he proceeds to punch Adam...

He continues to punch Adam, his knuckles being coated in Adam's blood, he only gets forty punches in when Charlie grabs his wrist, "He's had enough..."

Samael looks at Adam, who isn't fighting anymore, "Pathetic." He then drops Adam, turning sharply to walk out of the crater, Lucifer scowls.

"How's mercy taste, you little bitch?" Charlie and Samael now stand beside him, looking down into the crater.

"No..." Adam gets up, "You don't get to end this!" he crawls out of the crater, facing the gang, who are all equally covered in angel blood, "I'm fucking Adam!" he grunts as he pushes himself off the floor, "I'm the fucking man, and you're just some fucking clown or something! I started everything on Earth! All of mankind came from these fucking nuts!" he motions to his crotch with a hand.

"You all should be worshipping me, you ungrateful, disgusting, fucking losers-!" Suddenly a knife is stabbed into his back, through his chest, to which he shouts in pain, everyone stares in shock.

"Woa-hoah!" Vaggie recoils, then smiles.

Lucifer hums, "Hey, y-ya got something' stickin' outta your... Your thing there..." he points.

Adam falls sharply face first to the ground, revealing Niffty on his back, "Niffty..?"

"STAB!" Niffty proceeds to stab Adam multiple times, "STAB STAB!" Laughing manically as he continues to stab him, his blood coating her blade and body, "Blood!"

A bit away, near the base of the hotel, Lute stumbles, staring in horror at Adams stabbing, "NOO!" Just as Niffty finishes stabbing Adam and skips away, Lute runs to Adam, rolling him onto his back as she shakes him.

"Sir! Sir! Stay with me sir!" Adam gives her a slight genuine smile, "ADAM!" his light then fades...

Charlie, Lucifer, and Samael walk over, "It's over." Charlie glares at the exorcist, who looks up...

"Take your little friends, and GO HOME!" Lucifer smiles, "Please."

Lute reaches for Adams halo, but Samael kneels down and grabs it before she can, "Oh no, I'm not letting you do that..."

Lute quickly stands, "Retreat! All Exorcists fall back!" the remaining Exorcists take off, flying to the portal.

Everyone then looks at Samael, "Sooo... Sammy, what happened..?" Lucifer looks up at the Saint.

"I'll give the short version..." His hand tightens on Adams halo, and it shatters, "Almost 200 years ago, after a real hard bender, I had a vision that Charlie was going to start the hotel..." he snaps his fingers and he shrinks a bit, back to being 9'5", "So, I separated half of my soul, and condemned him to Hell, which turned into your Sam."

"Sam was actually an angel?"

"Oh, no, he was a sinner, I mean I condemned half of my very human soul to Hell." Samael laughs, "Turns out, Adam had found out about it, and used magic on me."

Charlie winces, "Is that why you were a jerk in that meeting..?"

Samael nods, "Yes, and I'm very sorry for that..." he smiles, "Which is why," he steps forward and hugs her lifting her from the floor, "I'll be helping out from now on!"

"Really?!" Charlie smiles brightly.

"Of course I'll have to discuss this with my daughter..." he sets Charlie down, tapping his chin, "Before you ask, it's Emily, the next seraphim."

"Actually... I'll go do that now..." His wings unfurl, "Oh! Vaggie!" She hums, looking up at him, "I think it's only right you have this back." he snaps his fingers while aiming at her, and a golden exorcist halo forms over her head.

"What..? Samael, I-I can't-"

"Let's stick with Sam, also, technically you're a guardian angel!" He winks as he floats, "Now, be good! No sinning! I'll be down soon! Tah-tah!"

Charlie squeals a cheer as she hugs Vaggie, jumping in place.

-+ Heaven +-

Waves crash against sand gently, the light of Heaven in the distance acting as the sun, a woman is lounging on the beach, soaking in the sun.

Lute stops in front of her, "Adam is dead." she scowls, "Your deal is done, and I'm in charge now... Your brat is threatening the very foundation of Heaven, and if you want to stay here," Lute leans in pointing at the sea, "You're going down there," she points at the woman in the sunhat, "and stopping that bitch... You understand me... Lilith?"

"And... Samael?" Lilith asks quietly.

"He's remembered, and back in one fucking piece." Lute's fist clenches, "Your magic failed, and now this whole plan is fucked."


This is not the last chapter, I'll give us a chapter of Samael with Emily, and then I will patiently wait for Season 2 before writing anything too wild.

Thank you all for reading, and I hope you've enjoyed.

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