The Show Must Go On (Pt.2)

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-+ Hell +-
-+ The Hazbin Hotel +-
-+ Evening +-

Sam shudders as he looks up from the cover he dived into, staring at the tall angel that just crashed through the ceiling, "Oh fuck..."

Samael groans as he sits up, pushing a bit of rubble off him, "W-Why didnt I think that through..?" Samael grunts, he tries to get up but falls back.

"Uh, hey!" Samael looks over to the bar, spotting Sam, "Uh, whose side are you on?"

"Ah, there you are..." Samael grunts, "I'm on your side." Sam comes out of the cover, his face is still beat up, and bloody...

"Right... Okay, uh... Forgive me if I don't believe that." Sam rubs his arm nervously.

"Uugh... Sam, listen-"

"How do you-?"

"Charlie, just-shut up, okay?" Samael grunts, "Do you remember anything important?"

"Uh... I remember that the fifth is Angels free day, I guess that's important..." Sam taps his chin.

"No, you fucking idiot something MORE important than that." Samael grabs his ribs, "Come here, damn it."

Sam gets closer, now knelt beside Samael, "What's more important than that? I mean, I guess Charlie's birthday is something I should remember too-"

"SAM!" Samael grabs Sam's wrist, "It has nothing to do with these damned Hellborn."

"Uh, okay?" Samael lifts a hand, placing his fingers on Sam's forehead, "The hell are you doing..?"

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