A Realization

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-+ Heaven +-
-+ Saint Samaels Office +-
-+ Evening +-

He was confused... Distressed... Sera said he was investigating Charlie's Hotel..? When?! Why isn't this something he remembers? "Damn it!" His fists slam down onto his desk a spiderweb of cracks around his hands.

"Why?" He questions, his memories were lacking sure... But that's to be expected of someone 1200 years old... "But my memories are still here... Had I been cursed... I'd not remember a thing."

With an agitated groan, he turns away from his desk, and looks out the window behind him, staring out at Heaven, his thoughts drift to what he does remember... His lack of memories started months after presumably discovering the Happy Hotel, now Hazbin Hotel.

Whatever happened affected him heavily... There's a sudden knock on his door, Samael looks around the office, it's a mess...

Papers stack high, boxes of confiscated belongings stacked in a corner, as much as he would despise allowing anyone to see him like this, it'd be rude if it was Emily...

With a sigh, Samael walks around his desk, brushing off his clothing as he pulls the door open, "Sera?" he looks up at her, and she smiles just barely.

"Samael." she nods her head in a curt bow, "May I come in, I wish to talk to you..." Samael clears his throat as he steps aside, pulling the door open wide enough for her to enter.

"What is it you wish to talk about, Sera?" Samael shuts the door, and walks to his desk, watching as Sera approaches the window, gazing out at the sprawl of Heaven.

"Your..." she turns, spotting the cracks on his desk, "lack of memories, it's become a concern."

"Sera, my lady, I'm fine." Samael smiles, "Had it been a concern of my own, I'd have already fixed it... But as it is-"

"It is an issue, Samael." Sera states, cutting him off... This makes his eye twitch, "It's an issue, that must be dealt with."

"Then deal with it!" Samael snaps, this causes Sera to lift a brow, looking at him with an indifferent expression, Samael clears his throat, "I apologize Sera, it has just been a stressful week..."

"...And for that reason, I will be helping you." Sera says it softly, and as much as Samael felt it was condescending, he knew she truly meant it...

"...Just don't tell Emily." Samaels voice is just slightly above a whisper as he falls into his chair, his wings drooping slightly.

"She is oblivious to your plight..." Sera starts, gently touching his shoulder, "But she cares for you... Deeply." She smiles as Samael lifts a hand to gently grab hers, "You are her father after all..."

"More things we hide from her..." Samael grunts, he at least remembered that, was it necessary? Perhaps... Was it enjoyable to lie to Emily about who her father is? Not at all.

"Let's get back on topic, Samael." Sera summons a chair, sitting beside him, her hands together on her lap, "Can you recall where the gap in your memory begins?"

"After discovering the Hazbin Hotel, I believe..." he sighs, "I assumed I wrote a note somewhere, but I've yet to find anything..."

"Maybe you knew," Sera hums quietly, "Maybe you knew you'd do something brash so you forgot, purposely perhaps?" That makes Samael hum.

Purposely forgetting something? Samaels lips curl up into a dark smile, his pristine white teeth sharp, "I get it..." He mutters, "Someone doesn't want me to remember something specific..."

Sera watches as Samaels demeanor shifts, "Someone believed my help would change how that pathetic hotel would run..." he chuckles as he leans forward, hands on his desk, "Someone powerful."

"Samael?" Sera tilts her head a bit, "These loss of memories have changed you..." she watches his smile remain sharp...

"Changed?" He hums, "How so, darling, cause I feel wonderful."

Sera is uncertain about that, and stands, "I'll see myself out, Samael... I hope you get your memories back soon..." with that, she leaves, the door shutting behind her...

"Whoever you are... Wherever you are..." Samaels wings merge, rattling as the blades slide off each other, "I will make you regret ever doing this to me..."


-+ Elsewhere +-
-+ Hell +-
-+ Hazbin Hotel +-
-+ Morning +-

Sam is cleaning the lobby of the hotel, when he feels a chill run down his spine, looking up, he looks around... Not Alastor, obviously... Vaggie walks past, "Hey, Vaggie?"

"Yeah Sam?" Vaggie turns, glancing at him.

"Did... You feel a chill go down your spine..?" Sam asks hesitantly, "Cause... I feel like I just had someone really dangerous threaten me..."

"Uhm... No?" Vaggie recoils a bit, "Do you need a break, man?" Vaggie gently touches Sam's shoulder.

"...Maybe." Sam gulps, "Yeah, I think I'm gonna go get a drink..." with that they walk away, Sam going to put up the broom and dustpan, then walking to the bar to sit across from Husk.


Sorry this one is short, next one will be longer, promise.

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