It never ends

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Disclaimer! All rights of Steven universe goes to Rebecca sugar, I don't own any of what I write except for my OC.


~We don't have to fight~

It IS you isn't it, Rose?...



I won't do it!


let's stay on this MISERABLE planet, together!


Answer me!

... she's GONE!!!


I can fix anything!... I'm... I'm a monster...


"How... interesting. So much... weakness..." Calmly spoke the figure, living under shadows of an abandoned jungle-like planet once conquered by the diamond authority. "It couldn't hurt to set my plan in motion right now..." said the figure, using an orb to watch over earth, to watch beach city.

"Poor boy, never stood a chance on his own without the need of another..." The figure continued watching beach city, the humans and gems living amongst each other, something that has never been done on any planet with life. The figure walked away from the orb, out into the light.

It's sun, shining over the planet along with the inhabitants and the figure... in red. "... you stood your ground against all odds boy... but you were merely aided." The figure in red began to walk through the jungle like planet to a once abandoned ship. "If you truly are remarkable, then you shall be challenged properly." Entering the ship, the figure in red began setting course for earth along with other colored figures.

"Mercy and peace is perhaps all you know, so this will be another day for me.. but the end for you-"


"Steven!" Connie said cheerfully, talking to Steven on her laptop through FaceTime. It had only been months since Steven left beach city, but always kept in touch with his family whenever he could. Steven laid on the bed, talking to Connie through his phone.

"Hey Connie!" Responded Steven, who now wore a blue jacket rather than his pink jacket. "How's the outside? Anything that amazed you?" Connie began to ask Steven. Currently it was 9:00 pm, as Steven was at a motel to rest for the night, his journey was greatly memorable and educational for him. However, his smile began to fade.

"Well... I didn't think so many people on earth had problems. Quite a few have problems that I can help with, they're not too different from the gems. I'm sure I can help them..." Steven paused, while the problems were similar to what the gems have been through, they were humans, not gems. Steven began thinking he underestimated what he would find. "I don't know... but just like my dad, I'm sure I can work my Universe charm-" Connie raised her hand to stop Steven from speaking further.

"Steven... some people just have problems that can't be fixed. While yes, many can be helped, redeemed... others... don't want help." Connie didn't know how else to say it, but she had hoped it was simple and truthful enough for Steven to understand. Steven began to look down from his phone, knowing that Connie was right.

Aquamarine... eyeball... could jasper even be redeemed? Just a little bit if anything? He began to become consumed by his thoughts on what could've been changed, suddenly Connie spoke again, causing Steven to lose his thoughts. "Steven, are you okay?" She asked concerned, worried her words failed, maybe he didn't understand earth enough to know that.

"Oh, yeah! Everything's fine! Actually, I wanted to say something now that I remembered." Steven said, returning to his cheerful attitude and raising a smile on his face again. Connie listened, but was still concerned.

"I'm coming back to beach city!" He said with a smile. Steven had been on the road for a while, it couldn't hurt to come back to beach city, at least that's what he hopes Connie would think. "Oh Steven! That's wonderful!" Connie said happily, she would've thought Steven would be gone for at least a year and a half or two before going back to beach city.

"I know right! There's so much I've seen, I just couldn't help but tell my friends and family back home!" Steven hopes it's convincing enough for Connie to understand, he misses Beach City, homesick was mostly what he tried to say. "I'm sure the gems would love to hear what you've seen and brought!" Connie responded before her alarm went off on her phone.

Turning off her alarm, she brings out a book from school and lays it on her desk. "Sorry Steven! I have to start studying again." She said, now bringing out her pencil and notes. "Oh, no worries! I understand, I have to get some rest before I hit the road." Steven said, starting to sit upright.

"We'll talk more some other time. Tell your family I said hi! Goodnight Steven!" Connie said, waving goodnight with Steven also waving goodnight before the call ended. 'So much to tell them... it's just one thing' Steven thought to himself. Getting out of bed, he went to go shower, eventually drying himself and putting on pajamas before heading back to bed, all lights turned off.

He couldn't bring himself to explain why he really was going back. Hopefully he had enough time to make it back before it was too late. Soon enough, he fell asleep. Tomorrow would be the day he'd be back home.

Few days ago...

Steven was at a diner for breakfast, he couldn't stop thinking of that dream... shattered pieces of gems on the beach, his house completely clouded in fire and smoke. Beach City was now a land of flames. He remembers being on the beach holding shards of pearl, amethyst, and garnet in his hands. Looking down and slowly raising his head towards the sunset... and a figure engulfed by its light with nothing but his glowing... red... eyes, staring directly into Steven's eyes with intimidation, not moving its body one inch.

All Steven could remember before waking up was the weak screams and whispers of everyone in his hometown, begging for Steven to something, anything, to save them from what's now looking directly at Steven.

Steven sighs over his dream 'it never ends.' Thinking to himself before ordering something to eat.

To be continued...

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