I'm called Redstone For a Reason

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Disclaimer: I do not own Steven Universe, all rights go to Rebecca sugar.

Garnet was on the ground, pinned by Redstone's foot. All gems had their focus on Redstone, although Bismuth and Lapis still had blurry vision, they wouldn't let it get in the way of stopping the red gem. "It's a pity you were too late to save your organic insect, then again, it's a much more pathetic that you all delude yourself into thinking you're the victor."

This caused every gem to fume with rage, calling them deluded was one thing, insulting Steven was completely different. Not one gem would be where they are today if it wasn't for that boy. Peridot hid behind Bismuth to summon all metal objects in the area, firing them all towards Redstone which he then to block with his scythe. Garnet took the chance to knock him off balance. Quickly using her gauntlets to punch his foot off, letting him get hit with the remaining empty cans, utensils, even a trash can and finally being pushed back a few feet from her.

"You, listen to me." Garnet said, getting back up. "You don't know how pointless and meaningless it is to fight all of us!" Redstone was unfazed by this and began to position himself into a charge attack, slowly hunching down. "You're on your own." Garnet said, now noticing the ocean slowly creeping up from behind the red gem. Lapis focused as hard as she could to grab the red gem without using her arms to control it. 'I know I got you!' Thinking to herself as she positioned the water under him, quickly lifting her arm to trap him.

Everyone then saw a large cube of water appear... behind him. 'No!' Shouted lapis internally, she could clearly see his colors still bright red knowing she didn't catch him. Redstone immediately began charging towards Garnet as she winded a fist to strike him, only for him to suddenly slide and swing his leg under her, bringing her down to the side on the sand and get a sharp kick to her stomach, pushing her towards the wooden boardwalk.

Redstone immediately focused his attention to Opal, who quickly fired a barrage of arrows, unfortunately Redstone was already on the move towards her. Bismuth during this had finally felt her vision come back and with a small chuckle she locked onto and began to charge towards him with Garnet getting back up and following from behind. Peridot brought back all the mental she had thrown and aimed down the red gem.

The fight was over, all four gems would be poofed and be hidden away... if Yellowstone hadn't suddenly appeared, knocking both Bismuth and Garnet onto the ground, saving Redstone. "You're welcome!" Yellowstone said as the red gem quickly ran past Opal and pulling a pouch from Bluestone's waist as was just now getting out of the sand. Opal quickly aimed towards him but was hit with the same dust that blurred lapis and bismuth's vision.

Greenstone quickly broke free, sending Opal off balance and kicking her feet, causing her to fall to the ground as Bluestone also broke free from the sand and took back her pouch from Redstone. Meanwhile, Yellowstone swiftly ran behind both Lapis and Peridot, grabbing both by the neck, reeling them back and slamming them to the ground and holding them there as all metal objects fell down around them.

Garnet and Bismuth got back up, hurrying to aid Opal against the three gems. Bluestone and Greenstone quickly moved behind Opal as Redstone got into a defensive position, looking at the two giant gems heading towards him. Both Bismuth and Garnet began swinging her fists while Opal kicked Redstone from behind, now he was punched and exchanged from the two brute gems, holding himself into a defensive position.

Yellowstone was about to step in to help before Greenstone shoved Opal from behind, moving her forwards, accidentally saving the red gem and getting a heavy blow to her legs, falling down and getting a direct hit to the face by Bismuth. Opal disappeared and pearl and amethyst were on the ground. Redstone quickly attacked both Garnet and Bismuth laying punches and swinging a kick to both in a rhythm, not letting either take the time to block.

Finally knocking them back down with a powerful kick across both their faces. Now both gems were on the ground with Pearl and Amethyst. "I expected more, but all I got was a bunch of off colored gems." Redstone said, preparing to spawn his weapon, raising an arm until his arm was sliced off by a pink sword. Steven had just made it back, managing to cut off Redstone's arm cuasing him to turn towards Steven and receiving strike to his face with Steven's fists.

Garnet quickly pulled the red gem to her knee, raising a gauntlet above him and crushing it into oblivion. His whole body trembled and collapsed onto the sand. "Eh?" Was all that came out from Yellowstone before being caught in the jaws of Steven's lion, letting go of both Lapis and Peridot and being shook like a ragdoll before getting bit in half. Steven quickly spawned his shield and threw it directly towards Bluestones and Greenstone, knocking the blue stone down but not having much effect on the big Green stone.

Feeling outmatched with Steven joining the fight, "This isn't worth it." Greenstone mumbled before grabbing and carrying Bluestone and retreating from the area. "Steven!" Garnet said with such relief knowing he was alright. "Sorry I scared you guys" Steven apologized before getting a hug from his family. "We're just glad you're alright." Amethyst said, holding back tears. "Hey, why don't we start bubbling these two?" Steven asked with everyone agreeing before noticing something... their bodies didn't poof.

Suddenly... a shuffle was heard in the sand. Everyone had stopped in their tracks. Steven looked to see where the noise was coming from and saw Redstone's body slowly standing up right in front of everyone. He was horrified, not just by the body standing up, but that this was the first time seeing any gem doing what Redstone was doing. Steven began looking at Yellowstone and saw his body slowly fuse back together.

Everyone was now more horrified just as Steven was. The sand slowly rebuilt Redstone's arms and head while the stones from the ground of Yellowstone slowly rebuilt his halved body. "H-Huh!?" Steven said in disbelief as he turned back to Redstone. "I'm not...called... Redstone... just... cause..." Redstone said distortedly as he summoning a pouch from his gem.

"I... am not a gem... I'm... stone." He said straightforward before punching Steven with the pouch, a cloud of dust getting into his eyes, nose and mouth. Yellowstone who was just now back to normal, jumped back towards the ocean shore, spawning an unknown tablet and soon a gem shuttle appeared of the sky and landing beside him.

"I could fight forever, but I have other plans I need to finish." Redstone said before leaping towards Yellowstone's side. "I already have an alternative of what I need to know anyways." He added before both stones entered the ship.

"I won't let you get away!" Peridot yelled who attempted to hold down the ship, but it was futile for her. "Until some other time boy." Redstone lastly said before the door had closed. Both stones now in the ship, began to leave. Lapis had now regained her vision, quickly lifting the water towards it but was too late, the ship had already blasted off.

The fight was over, they didn't win or lose, just survived. All gems huddled towards Steven who was on the ground. Garnet and lion helped him back onto his feet. "Steven, are you alright?" Pearl said concerned. "Yeah... I'm fine." Steven replied. All they could do now was stay by his side and think of what to do next, should they ever encounter any of the four stones again.

To be continued...

You know... being an overthinker sucks, I always think this fanfiction is garbage, especially with how I write it, but on the other hand, I'm doing the best... which I hope counts, but anyways, hope you enjoyed!

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