Too Slow To Act

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Disclaimer: I do not own Steven Universe, all rights go to Rebecca Sugar.

While I know my way of talking isn't perfect, I'm looking forward from this point forward of the story!

Steven and Redstone arrived at the Beach that was near the Beach city walk fries and fish stew pizza restaurants. Redstone had walked close to shore and sat down cris-crossed while Steven soon followed with fry bits. "So, what do you think of earth?" Steven asked, completely lost in what to do.

Redstone was staring at the ocean, not even looking at Steven before answering. "It's... interesting, many gems fitting in with organic life, their fascination and enjoyment of what humans do and live with." Steven wasn't expecting that Redstone would say that about earth, in only one day he seemed to be pleased with the planet.

"Well, I'm glad it's a liking for you!" Steven said with joy to cover up his still worrying feelings. Without knowing it, he had nearly inhaled all of the fry bits, in fairness, they were still his favorite, despite going vegetarian. "Oh, let me just go a throw this bag away, I'll be right back." Redstone only gave a side eye and nodded before looking back at the ocean.

While Steven walked to the trash, throwing away the bag before returning. Steven then noticed something, Redstone's hand on the sand with a finger tapping at a pace of a ticking clock. Tap... tap... tap... it didn't seem like a big deal but for Steven. Suddenly, Steven felt flashes of all the struggles and battles he had years go.


"You. Have. FAILED!"


"I'm Rose quartz!" Young Steven said, showing his gem to aquamarine.


"Did you have fun? Did you get everything out of your system?"


"This is the great... Steven Universe?"

TAP... TAP...

Steven shook his head aggressively, he couldn't play pretend anymore with this gem. Immediately Steven summoned his shield with his left hand and a bubble surrounding his right. "Alright, enough!" Steven shouted at Redstone, making him stop his tapping. "I never heard of a gem like you and I don't know why you're really here, but whatever it is, you deal with me!"

Redstone sat there briefly then calmly standing up. "You know, it took a lot in me to stay like this." Redstone said, calmly, still looking at the ocean before turning around. Steven the realized... the sun was engulfing Redstone, all he could see was his glowing red eyes... it was sunset... he's on the beach... looking at the those eyes. That dream really wasn't all a dream, but before Steven could say or do anything...

"Steven!" A voice called out, causing Steven to turn a see Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl running to him as fast they could. Suddenly, a loud whistle was heard from the beach, Steven quickly turning his focus back to Redstone until... *THHK* "To hold back." Said Redstone, he was still in his spot, but all Steven could feel was an excruciating pain on his side, slowly moving his head down to see a yellow dagger poking out of the right side of his stomach.

Both bubble and shield dispersed and Steven saw the blade retreat and felt a swift kick to his back, sending him to the ground and rolling on his back to see Yellowstone, smiling devilishly down at him with a small chuckle, his dagger nearly cover in Steven's blood. "Too slow kid." Said Yellowstone through his chuckles. "STEVEN!" Yelled Garnet, summoning her gauntlets, launching towards Yellowstone, only for him to move last second almost causing Garnet to crash into a pile of sand.

Pearl and Amethyst following along with Garnet, both launching at Yellowstone, but again he moves last second. "Amethyst, go get reinforcements!" Garnet ordered, Amethyst nods and quickly rolls away to Little Homeworld, only to be kicked by Yellowstone. The three gems now knew that the yellow gem was fast, hence why his weapon is a dagger, to quickly cut or stab enemies and retreat. "Pearl!" Pearl immediately charged at Yellowstone but was quickly swept up from her feet.

In a flash, Yellowstone had already kicked pearl off the the ground, dropping to the floor, Yellowstone had a clear shot to shatter her gem, quickly raising his dagger and striking, and abruptly stopped. "What!?" Cried out Yellowstone, he couldn't move his dagger and in second was hit in the back with heavy force, flying towards Redstone, who casually moved, making Yellowstone land in the water.

Steven slowly turned to see Bismuth, Peridot, Lapis, and Connie on Lion arriving just in time. "g-guys..." Steven said weakly. "How. Did. You. All. Know." Redstone said through his gritting teeth. "As if someone like you deserves to know!" Yelled Connie, all three gems had death looks pointing at Redstone.

Lapis raised her arms forward, raising water formed hands from the ocean and holding hands to smash Redstone, only to be destroyed by the sand on the beach, quickly rising and struck both hands. "You're late!" Shouted Redstone, all turned from behind to see bluestone standing there, arms crossed and Greenstone breaking through the wood, into the sand. "Time and patience, Red." Greenstone said calmly.

Garnet quickly assessed the situation, both Bluestone and Greenstone was by the boardwalk, Redstone was still standing in place while Yellowstone quickly rose out of the water and standing by Redstone, jumping to warm up for another fight with a grin. Garnet let out a huff before speaking.

"Peridot, Bismith, keep your focus on Yellowstone, don't let him out of your sight! Lapis, Keep Redstone away from the fight! Pearl, Amethyst, with me!" All looked at Garnet and back at the gems, locked in and ready to fight. "Connie!" Connie looked at Garnet with her sword, ready to fight. "Get Steven out of here!"

Connie looked back at the and down to where Steven was... they stabbed him... he was bleeding... she couldn't believe it, Steven NEVER got wounded this bad in a fight. Connie felt furious, but Garnet was right, she needed to get Steven away from what was going to be a huge fight.

Bluestone began summoning a strap of bags from her gem, which wrapped around her waist, Greenstone began to summon a hammer, the same size and color as him, resting it over his shoulder. Redstone still stood there calmly, slowly raising his arms to the side, his gem glowing and soon, his hands had a weapon forming in both hands. On the left was a dagger just like Yellowstone, and on the right was a sickle.

Redstone began moving his weapons opposite of each other, clasping the ends together and slowly extending them into a long handle and his blades expanding, turning his weapons into one weapon, a scythe. All gems on the beach had their weapons drawn and ready for battle.

Steven slowly breathed in and out, watching everything unfold, clutching onto his wound and turning to Redstone, who began drawing his weapon forward to the gems.

"May flaw and perfection, decide our fates." Redstone said with loud volume.

To be continued...

Alrighty! I do hope the story is enjoyable so far and I look forward to the next chapter!

See you all then!

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