Plan for motion

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Disclaimer: I do not own Steven Universe, all rights go to Rebecca Sugar.

Steven teleported back to earth, reuniting with the stones and his father while Jasper was still outside. "Alright you guys, I'm gonna need you all to come with me." Steven said to all three who were in the bedroom talking. They weren't sure what was planned but if it meant putting an end to Redstone, so be it.

Back at Homeworld, everyone gathered around Steven who had some papers and crayons in his hands, sitting down with them in the center. "Alright, give me everything that anyone knows about Redstone." Steven ordered as both the stones and diamonds took turns.

"We live on this colorful jungle like planet, that's where we all hide, INCLUDING Redstone." Bluestone said as Steven drew a planet looked like earth. "That's close but the water would be black and the lands look like a hurricane of faded colors." Greenstone corrected Steven with his drawing.

After a while, Steven had finished, the drawing looked rounded with lighted colors to present the lands as small black circles to represent the waters. "Good enough." Was all the stones said.

"There should be a diamond control center at the top, we were in a rush for more soldiers." Yellow diamond said as Steven began drawing what she had mentioned. Once completed, Steven looked at the stones and diamonds to see what else he was missing, they all nodded in approval.

"Alright so, what could we expect on this planet?" Steven asked, looking at the stones for answers. "Only four types of stones exist; Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green." Bluestone explained as Greenstone went over to the gems and diamonds to explains what each stone can do, other than Redstone of course.

"It's best to know that Redstone is the only... red... stone?" Bluestone said, confusing herself with her choice of words. "You mean there's only one of him?" Steven said, surprised that out of all the stones that he's made, he didn't make another him.

"I'm not so sure why either." Bluestone responded as Steven used a new blank sheet of paper to write down what to expect. "We have caves that lead to abandoned machines that Redstone uses to create us, the diamond control center is his base." Now Steven had to plan a way to investigate what Redstone was creating while not being apprehended by him.

"Can't you guys distract him long enough for us to gather information?" Bluestone simply shook her head. "He longs for battle and only is distracted if he feels threatened, and as you probably could guess, that's impossible to achieve."

Steven had to think for a moment, what could he do to distract Redstone? But then a thought came... soon, he had a whole idea that couldn't be outdone. "I got it!" Steven said, writing on a new paper for a main plan.


Everyone watched Steven as he brought a chalkboard inside. "Alright, here's the plan!" Steven said before drawing out his idea. "Lapis, Bismuth, Peridot, you guys will stay on earth with the stones, we'll make Redstone think that we found a way to turn stones into gems."

Bluestone was impressed by Steven's first part of the plan. "As far as we know, Redstone despises the gems, who's to say that he wouldn't want to deal with us if we found a method of correcting stones into gems?" Which was true from what the diamonds remember about Redstone.

"Me, Connie, Garnet, amethyst and Pearl will infiltrate the planet and see what we can find, we wanna first demolish anything that Redstone may have and THEN we'll take siege when it's right." Greg wasn't sure as to why he was with them at all.

"Uh, Steven? What am I gonna do?" Greg asked, unsure what part he had in all of this. "You're our backup plan just in case Redstone brings more than a few stones with him to earth." Steven said confidently. "You, spinel and Jasper are going together with a fake me to lure out any stones that have our friends hostage (which I doubt) and if they catch up?" Steven then pointed at Spinel.

"Spinel, you and Jasper will buy my dad some extra time so he can bail out of the car and hide until they leave or are completely focused with you." Spinel didn't want to be left alone, but she sure didn't want anyone to die alone, it was worth a shot. "Alrighty captain Steve-o!" She said, saluting him while Jasper gave a nod in acceptance.

"Blue, Yellow, White diamond." Steven said, looking up at the diamonds. "When the time is right, I will send a message as a signal to attack the planet, we need the strongest soldiers you guys have." Yellow gave a smile of confidence to Steven. "Worry not, that shouldn't be a problem for me."

Blue diamond then came out with a thought. "Shouldn't we come with you?" She asked, knowing the job would be easier with them. "I'm not sure what Redstone's main goal is, so to be safe that he doesn't come to attack Homeworld, you guys should stay here." Steven said before looking back at the board.

"... Redstone thinks that we're not good enough, useless, weak even... but you guys know through me that what he believes in, isn't true." Steven said, looking back at everyone. Although many were flawed in their own ways, that didn't mean they were useless.

"Just because we're not perfect, doesn't make us imperfect, that's why we all love each other, who we are is enough to prove to Redstone that we're already perfect!" Steven said proudly to everyone who all were persuaded by him like always.

"Now, let's go show him why perfection doesn't win everything." Steven said before everyone prepared for their roles. White looked at Steven still, gesturing her hand for him to have a talk with her in private.

Steven began walking over as White diamond lend out her hand to carry him. Once getting on, she took him to her ship. "Steven, I'm only gonna tell you this once before this plan of yours sets course." Steven was all ears as to what she had to say.


"You're about to perform a suicide mission, this stone laid waste to many of our people, I could even go far as to say that he put minimal effort in doing so." Steven knew that based on the fight he had on the beach. What started to get to him wasn't the fact that Redstone was an enemy he never fought before, but rather that he's dangerous enough for White diamond HERSELF to warn him.

"All that I ask of you is to look after everyone, once a battle begins, he will throw everything he has upon you, reasoning with him is futile." Steven didn't believe that last part, if he got White diamond to change, he shouldn't have a problem with changing Redstone.

"Please Steven, be careful." White diamond said with worry before taking Steven back to his friends. "Are you sure I can't convince him to change?" Steven began to ask White diamond, who only sighed. "I am sure of it, believe me... I've tried many times before." She would hope that was enough for Steven to be convinced.


Once reaching back to everyone, Steven and White went their separate ways. "We should be quick in preparations, who knows how close Redstone may be in finishing his plans." Greenstone spoke to Bluestone as everyone prepared. "I'm sure he needs time, he's not one to rush." Bluestone reassured him as they followed behind the gems.

Steven felt a little worried as to whether or not the plan may work, there was still no clue how much Redstone knew about him and what he could do as of now, regardless of watching him. Connie placed a hand on his shoulder just as he turned to look at her.

"I'm the strawberry..." was all she needed to say to Steven before he smiled with hope. "And I'm the biscuit."

To be continued...

I can only imagine how you guys are gonna be once the next chapters come out soon.

Currently I am working on another story about the movie "Inside out" HOWEVER viewer discretion is highly advised if you read that story.

Until next time!

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