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Disclaimer: I do not own Steven Universe or any characters apart from my OC as you will be introduced to in this chapter. All rights go to Rebecca Sugar.

The gems were huddled up with the red gem, until amethyst caught a glimpse of her best friend. "... Steven?" That one word caused every gem in the house to turn towards Steven, causing the boy to become overwhelmed. The red gem was also looking at him.

Pearl saw Steven, tears starting to swell up, it felt like forever since she saw him. Garnet took off her visor immediately seeing Steven, she too felt like it's been forever. Steven felt he should say something, but before he could...

"STEVEN!!!" All three gems shouted, running over and hugging Steven in unison, unable to hold their tears. "Woah!'s great to see you... too!" Steven tried to say through their hug, which was a little tight for him. "We've missed you so much!" Amethyst said through her crying.

None of them knew of the red gem slowly approaching them. "I've... only been... gone for a few... months!" Steven tried to get out, finally they had let go, leaving Steven to take a deep breath and returning to normal breathing. "We know kiddo. But we just couldn't help but be happy seeing our cutie pie return." Steven blushed slightly over Garnets words before Garnet put her visor back on.

It was great to see them all again. The moment ended however, when Steven began focusing on the red gem walking towards them. "Umm... who's that?" Steven pointed at the gem who had finally joined in with the group, the red gem's facial expression was blank, completely lifeless in Steven's eyes.

The gem looked at Steven, and only Steven. "Oh! This is a new arrival from homeworld!" Pearl answered, introducing the new gem to Steven. "Umm... well, I'd like to welcome you to earth... uhh..."Steven didn't know their name.

The gems began looking at each other, unsure of what to say. Steven realized based on judging by their faces, they didn't know either. "They're a little shy, so we'll call 'em, Red!" Amethyst spoke hoping it would be a good idea for the time being. Suddenly, the red gem raised their hand to speak.

Steven was already worried being in front of what he assumes is his nightmare coming to life. Now he was becoming more worried that they were about to speak... he hoped the gem wouldn't say anything threatening. The gem began to open its mouth, anticipation coming from all four. "The name... is Redstone." Every gems eyes widen. The voice was deep, it sounded more manly than feminine.

Steven's eyes were most wide, gems don't have genders but he assumed by the way they dressed and talked, he assumed they were girls, or at least mimicking females... was this gem... a guy? "Woah... is that your actual voice?" Amethyst began to ask Redstone. "Yes." Was their only reply.

Steven began to overthink, he's seen many gems fight and how they each had their own style of fighting. However, if there's men and women gems, could male gems be more dangerous? And why was their name Redstone? Steven had never heard of a name like that.

"So... are you a... male gem?" Steven asked, to which Redstone started to look into his eyes, still not changing his facial expression. "According to how your species separates things for their differences, yes, I am a male... gem." Steven caught the pause in Redstone's answer, could he really be a different type of gem that he's never heard of?

Redstone began to change expression into a more calming look, lowering his brows and eyelids just slightly. "Ah, forgive me if I am not that emotional, and do forgive me about my gem, it's quite a story to tell you." Garnet began to notice that Steven was sweating a little. Assuming he was overwhelmed and thinking he might have to go back to being the helpful prodigy, she came up with an idea.

"Steven, we can show Redstone around beach city and little homeworld, we'll have time to talk later." Garnet said, to which Steven quickly responded. "Uh- no! I uh, I can take him around! Not a problem-" before Steven could continue, pearl came forward placing a hand on his shoulder. "Steven, you just got back, I'm sure this would cause problems again."

How could steven forget? Being that giant crystal reptile was horrible, a memory he hopes to forget. Yet, this gem had the outline of the figure from his dreams, he felt best that HE should take him around. Leaving Redstone with the gems could be dangerous.

Steven shrugged off pearls hand and shook his head. "Don't worry guys, really I insist! Nothing beats old universe charms!" Steven said enthusiastically. Garnet, amethyst and pearl looked at each other for a moment before turning their head back to Steven.

"Alright buddy, if anything, don't hesitate to let us take over." Amethyst spoke while pearl nodded towards her comment and garnet giving a thumbs up. Now Steven had to think of something, he could keep Redstone somewhere busy like an activity in little homeworld, leave him there while going back to the gems and explaining the possible future.

Steven smiled as a coverup and waved to Redstone to follow him. "Alrighty! I'll see you guys in a bit so we can talk." Steven said as he opened the door for Redstone to go through while the gems waved goodbye and joyful with their Steven back home. "We love you Steven!" Pearl said before Steven went back outside, giving one more smile and wave before heading to his car.

Redstone followed from behind, making Steven uneasy, any moment this gem could strike and Steven would've felt dumb enough for letting him have a clear opening from behind. Then again, he was a diamond, he could set him in his place... but remembered that he's half human.

Moments later of explaining what a car is and how to be well safe inside a car. Steven began driving to little homeworld. "They forgot to mention something..." Redstone said, but before Steven could ask what, Redstone continued to talk. "I didn't come alone."

Steven's heart sank and his skin grew pale. This was more worse than what the dream had led him to believe.

To be continued...

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