Set In Motion

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Disclaimer: I do not own Steven Universe, all rights go to Rebecca Sugar.

Everything was ready within less than two days due to the stones rushing and warning about Redstone's plan going into motion at any given time. Steven had huddled everyone together in Homeworld before initiating what Steven called: Operation Rock and Mouse.

Despite the weird name, it would have to do. Everyone stood around Steven, who was in the center once more. "Okay guys, we all remember our roles?" Everyone nodded, Steven mentally checking that off before continuing. "Guys... I know we're all scared because for the first time, NONE of us know this stone, and for the diamonds; specifically what he's doing now..."

Despite Spinel and Jasper not really caring due to Spinel not seeing Redstone and Jasper thinking he's just another pest she could get rid of alone. "Right now we can put a stop to this, no matter what! We are the Crystal Gems, and this stone doesn't know how strong we really are!"

Everyone looked at each other, knowing well how far they've gotten, a stone like him wouldn't beat them. Without a second to spare, everyone began to head to their destinations. Lapis, Peridot, Bismuth, Spinel, Jasper and Greg were already heading back to earth.

The stones soon followed as they had a communication device set to contact Redstone, hopefully he wouldn't be too furious. The Diamonds had prepared a ship just like Lars for Steven and his friends, with the help of the stones giving the coordinates for the planet.

Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst headed inside while Steven and Connie were just at the entrance. "I hope this works..." Steven quietly said, yet not quiet enough for Connie. "Hey, we've been through worse, I know for sure that this is just another rock on the road." Connie said, reassuring Steven.

Steven, hoping she was right, walked inside along with Connie.


Redstone sat alone in the abandoned diamond tower, tapping his finger where the diamonds would sit. Just as he was alone with his thoughts, a screen popped up in front of him, a call from earth.

"Hm?" Thinking for a moment, he answered. What he saw was a small, green, twig with a grin. "Hello there!" Her hands were behind her back, almost as if she had something. "Guess what we did?" Without waiting for an answer, she pulled out a shiny blue gem, resembling Bluestone.

"That's right! We've managed to correct this rock into a perfect gem!" She said, boasting her success. "I'd like to see you try and put a stop to this madness, you know where we are." Peridot lastly said, changing her expression into a serious look.

However, the whole time she talked, Redstone didn't flinch, no change of behavior, no expression changes, just pure boredom the whole time. The call ended, Lapis, Bismuth, Bluestone and Greenstone were watching from outside from the little garden as peridot started to walk out.

"Well?" Lapis asked. "Well he answered the call." Bluestone was relieved that the call worked. While successful, they needed to know his response. "What did he say?" Bluestone asked after Lapis. "Nothing, he just sat there and watched me talk."

Greenstone only grumble, he knew what it meant. "It worked, and he's furious." Everyone now had to get ready for not just any fight, but a large one. Some gems overheard the conversation, stepping forward in hopes to help.

"Everyone, evacuate every human from Beach City as fast as possible!" Bismuth ordered, the gems understood as they all went to go help the citizens. Meanwhile, outside of Little Homeworld, Greg, Spinel and Jasper stood by the van, waiting to hear back from the gems inside.

Lapis flew over, calling for their attention. "Guys, get a head start!" Greg nodded, getting both gems inside as he quickly went to start the van, immediately driving towards the exit of Beach City. Inside the van, in the passenger seat, sat a wooden Steven, wearing clothes that Steven would wear.

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