Beach city warzone

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BEFORE READING: I might begin making my chapters more lengthy or take a little longer to finish because I want to do the fights correctly, forgive me IF it takes longer or so to make a new chapter from this point forward. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

All gems, weapons drawn, and Steven near the center of it all. He couldn't focus on anything but his stab wound. There was only one thing he could think of, if anything he could've thought of, was using his healing powers. However, Steven has never been wounded like this before, the pain was excruciating, he could barely move without it being more painful.

Meanwhile, Connie had to act fast to get Steven away from the fight, but him on the ground and in the middle, whatever she had to do, she only has one chance.

All was silent, everyone waiting for someone to make a move, maybe planning on how to strike first. Eventually all gems had their weapons gripped on more tighter, eyeing on another to catch one inch of movement. Garnet had already planned to strike and knew exactly how...

"Okay I'm bored." Yellowstone said, quickly grabbing his dagger and charging right towards lapis with swiftness before having his dagger cancelled out his speed, losing his grip and flying towards lapis, causing her to lose focus on Redstone.

Connie was right beside lapis the moment he crashed into her and only in a split second lost focus on Redstone as well, giving a clear shot for Redstone to finish off Steven. Wasting no time, he began charging towards the boy before being blocked by an incoming gauntlet from Garnet, almost reaching the boy a few feet.

Pearl and amethyst quickly fused into opal, spawning their bow and aiming towards Greenstone and Bluestone, firing a barrage of arrows, only to be deflected by Greenstones hammer and soon swung and released his hammer towards opal, hitting her square in the stomach, knocking her down to the sand.

Bluestone reached into one of her bags and threw out a gray fog of dust towards bismuth. All of this happening in a matter of seconds, Connie realized she wasn't being focused on, quickly having lion bite onto Steven. Greenstone caught a glimpse, hurrying towards his hammer and launching it towards Connie.

Lion however was quick to sense it, throwing Connie off his back and being flung away by the hit. With no other choice, she picked Steven up and with all her strength, began to run as fast as she could.

Yellowstone hadn't landed too far from lapis, quickly getting himself up, swiftly grabbing lapis by the leg and threw her towards peridot, who dodged just in time and causing lapis to hit bismuth, both now in the small fog. Peridot began lifting any metal nearby to throw Yellowstone off balance, but he was too fast, dodging every piece thrown in his direction and before knowing it, she was tackled to the ground.

Meanwhile, Garnet was throwing fists left and right, towards Redstone, every attack was dodged effortlessly by him, not even using his scythe to deflect a single punch. Thinking that he was using it for show, Garnet started to wind up an attack only for Redstone to use his scythe to yank her feet off the ground. Calmly, Redstone raised his weapon to the side, preparing to cut garnet in half until being hit by a wall of water.

Lapis had gotten out of the fog along with bismuth. "Argh!" Cried lapis, her vision felt blurry, she could only make out the colors of the gems, she could see what appeared to be Opal, spawning a whip and quickly catching what appeared to be Greenstone who was pulled toward her.

She could make out Redstone hitting the wood of the boardwalk, face first. However, she couldn't see anything farther away. All she could do was use powers to hold Redstone there, wasting no time, she did exactly that despite nearly trapping herself.

Why couldn't she see? What did Bluestone use on her? "Lapis! What's going on!?" Bismuth yelled, who also didn't have good vision either. "I don't know! Just go help peridot!" Right after Bismuth left, she felt a big puff of dust hit her face. This Bluestone was irritating her, suddenly her vision was healed, but now there was no one on the beach.

Lapis was completely baffled yet soothed and started to lose control of what should've been water right in front of, until she heard shouting. "LAPIS NO!" Garnet shouted, she didn't realize that she had already freed Redstone who then kicked her back into the gray fog.

During all of this, Peridot was progressively being kicked towards the fog. Yellowstone kept jumping and from time to time swung a kick across her face, hooting and yelling with enjoyment. "Strike... three!" Yellowstone said, overjoyed by the whole fight so far. Peridot felt like a completely defective gem in this situation, she could barely have time to find balance.

Just then, bismuth charged out of the fog just as Yellowstone was in the middle of performing another kick, quickly shifting her hands into hammers, she swung one under the yellow gem, causing him to fly in the air, and with full force, swinging her other hand/hammer towards the side, sending Yellowstone crashing into a building which then collapsed on top of him.

"T-Thank you Bismuth" Peridot cried, Bismuth only sighed of relief... she completely assumed she was accurate despite having blurry vision... she nearly lost footing.

Meanwhile. Opal had tied Greenstone on the ground, immobilizing him completely, now her next target was Bluestone, who looked directly into her eyes with panic. "W-wait, let me just-" Bluestone pleaded, soon her legs were wrapped together and she immediately swung into the air, straight down toward a pile of sand and was stuck there.

All seemed to be working towards the crystal gem's favor, that was until they all saw Redstone approaching them, letting out a small growl. "I'm going to enjoy every bit of this" he spoke, before hearing Garnet come from behind.


Connie was just out of reach from the fight and from the town, looking back to see if anyone was following and looking forward again. "S-Steven, please... d-don't die... you'll gonna be o-okay!" She tried saying while holding back her tears, she couldn't bare to see him this badly hurt. Soon enough her legs grew tired, so much going through her mind of what's happening. Connie could feel him slowly becoming limp and not detecting as much movement as she did when she started carrying him. Nonetheless, she kept moving, persisting through her exhaustion from running for so long.

Meanwhile, Steven, with all his effort, raised his hands, licking, spitting, anything to get them wet. Gently but firmly putting both hands on separate sides of the wounds. The pain was like nothing ever felt before, he couldn't help but yelp, startling Connie, causing her legs to give up. "please... work..." Steven said, sure enough he began to feel the pain slowly disappearing, he could breath normal again and in just a short amount of time, the pain was gone.

Steven could swear that he felt like he was dancing with death in many ridiculous ways. Eventually he let out a heavy gasp of air before sitting up, looking around. "Steven!" Connie couldn't hold back her tears, embracing Steven into a bear hug. Steven however, needed to go back, his friends needed him. "Connie, where lion!?" Steven asked in a hurry. "What? Steven, you just healed yourself, you can't go back and I don't even think lion followed us!" Connie said, only to be met with a growl from behind.

Connie almost screamed from lion's appearance. "Lion, take me back now!" Steven demanded, Connie got in the way before he could get on. "Steve wait! Let me come with you!" Connie begged worried he'll get hurt, but she didn't have to wait long for an answer. "No connie, I don't know this guy. In fact, I never heard of a 'Redstone' in my life of seeing gems!" Steven had insisted he'd go back alone.

"Connie, I love you, but get yourself far from here until I come back, promise me!" Steven looked down holding her hand and looking back up into her eyes, as much as he appreciated Connie's help, she was still human after all, facing a foe that not even HE has encountered before. "I-I promise, but you better not die!" Connie ordered, Steven simply chuckled, and kissed her before grabbing his mother's sword from Connie and hopping on lion.

"Don't worry... I'm Steven universe, and I'm sure that's enough." Steven said with confidence before riding back to the fight.

"I hope..."

To be continued...

I'll admit I'm not a good fighting teller but I like to think this was a good start. Looking forward to the next chapter, see you all then!

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