For Steven

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Disclaimer: I do not own Steven Universe, all rights go to Rebecca Sugar.

The temple was silent, all of Steven's friends and family were there, watching him sleep in his once bedroom, now belonging to his dad. Connie was downstairs, sitting alone on the couch, reminiscing about last night. Greg sat on the floor, holding Steven's hand, worried as he always was.

"Sorry that this had to happen all in one day Greg." Garnet said defeatedly, crouching down to his level and laying her hand on his shoulder. "It's fine Garnet, I knew this would happen again someday." Greg said, everyone could hear the pain in his voice, but unfortunately there was nothing they could do but wait for Steven to wake up.

Pearl was the first to leave, heading downstairs to sit next to Connie who had her head down, still stuck in her thoughts. "Connie, why don't you talk about what happened last night?" Pearl asked, placing her hand on Connie's shoulder. She only looked at pearl and nodded before look back down. Pearl went back up, motioning her hand for everyone to come downstairs.

Though Greg didn't want to leave his son's side, he decided to follow behind. Eventually everyone came down, all huddling around Connie. She let out a small sigh before she began speaking. "I... went to check on Steven, still worried about his wounds." Everyone was still uneasy about that event. "We talked for a bit and he assured me that he was fine and insisted I go home."

Connie paused for a moment before continuing. "I gave him a kiss..." she started to look at Lapis. "And he said your name and he completely freaked about as to why YOU kissed him!" Her voice grew loud just so slightly. Everyone began looking at Lapis confused, but Lapis herself was even more confused. "What? I never kissed Steven!" Lapis said, defending herself from what felt like an accusation.

Connie only looked at her with a stern glare. "Then why did he say YOUR name?! Were you two dating when I never came around!?" Connie was soon enraged, she felt cheated and betrayed, all her time and fun spent with Steven felt like a lie. Soon, what was supposed to be a recall of what happened, now became a heated exchange between Lapis and Connie.

"Steven and I never did this 'dating'!" Lapis started raising her voice, using her hands to quote the word dating.

"I know in the past you would listen to only Steven!" Connie still remembered the times when Lapis would only do and understand things if Steven said it.

"He FREED me from a mirror and always worried about my safety and wellbeing unlike others during that time!" For once at that time Lapis felt recognized and understood from a being that wasn't even a gem.

"He does that for EVERYONE!" Connie and Lapis were now in each other's faces, both breaths colliding with both having an urge to fight each other.

"Connie!" Garnet shouted before lowering her voice down to her usual calm tone. "We've looked after Steven when he was young and we've known that Steven would rarely hide things from us, he always said things straightforward."

Connie knew she was right, but the thought still bothered her. Greg raised his hand before he started speaking to continue what happened last night. "And of course, I found Steven outside my car wash, I got a worried when started curling into a ball and covering his ears..." Greg didn't want to think about it, seeing his own son go through another problem again was unbearable, Steven wasn't even an adult.

"I go to check on him and all of a sudden... he punches himself in the face, and pretty hard too because... well..." Everyone knew what he was going to say, all looking up at the room where Steven was sleeping. Nobody knew what to do, maybe he'll wake up normal again but then what happens when he gets pink? "I think I may have an idea." Peridot said hesitantly. Everyone looked with their ears perked.

Lapis knew exactly what her idea was. "One time, me and Lapis were flying above the forest, I wanted to practice my abilities and had Lapis accompany me to take me back to little Homeworld." Lapis was correct on what she was about to say. "We then saw a little rock house and... Jasper." Nobody liked where this was going, Jasper wasn't exactly welcoming for any of them, even Steven.

Though still thinking this was a bad idea, Peridot felt this could be an opportunity for the brute gem. "We need to find those two stones, and I'm sure Jasper could help us. If the stones so choose to fight us, they'll have to deal with her." The plan was a stretch, but it could work... if they could convince Jasper to help that is. "Sounds like it could work." Amethyst said, sticking by Peridots idea.

Eventually everyone soon came to agree with Peridot, though getting Jasper to help would be tricky, her knowledge of the wilderness could help them capture the stones and help Steven afterwards. "We better move now before we're too late." Garnet began to speak, looking at everyone. "Peridot will take me and Bismuth to go and talk with Jasper, the rest of you will need to find the stones, if they've separated, focus on Bluestone. Me, Bimsuth and HOPEFULLY Jasper will deal with Greenstone."

Everyone nodded, disbanding from the couch. Bismuth followed Garnet to the warp pad to teleport to little homeworld with peridot to find Jasper. "What about us?" Greg asked, still worried about Steven. "Keep an eye on Steven just in case he wakes up, as much as we appreciate the help from Connie, these are enemies we've never dealt with before." Garnet was right about that, although bothering Connie a little bit, Garnet was still right.

All the gems left through the door to start their search from Beach City to the outskirts of town and then so on and so forth. "Do you think Lapis actually did the 'dating' with Steven?" Peridot asked Garnet with Bismuth also curious. "No. You have to understand peridot, we gems are not like humans. We don't feel or think the same as them." That was enough to convince both gems as they made it up to the warp pad.

Greg and Connie were back upstairs, watching over Steven and waiting. "What happens if they come back when the gems aren't here?" Greg asked Connie who wasn't too concerned about the possibility. "Don't worry mister Universe, I'm here to protect you if they do." Connie said, grabbing her sword that sat next to the bed.

The gems began searching through the town for the stones, mainly Bluestone, since the big green guy would be too obvious to be seen. "No matter what happens, we do it for Steven." Pearl said in serious tone. Soon, everyone's mind was thinking the same.

"For Steven." Lapis mumbled, flying above town in search of Bluestone.

"For Steven." Garnet said to the two as they arrived at Little Homeworld, Bimsuth went to put on her armor for Peridot to hop on and levitate for them to find Jasper.

Connie and Greg were the only ones at the house, with Cat Steven coming from downstairs. "For Steven." Connie said internally, holding onto Steven's hand from the right.

Just then... footsteps were heard coming upstairs, both turning with hopes that it was one of the gems... "May I see him?" Bluestone asked, cautiously moving up the last steps. Without waiting, Connie grabbed her sword, ready for a fight.

To be continued...

I know this wasn't a big chapter with anything important, but I felt it would be needed to see what happened to Steven and what did the gems do in response. See you guys then!

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