Chapter 2

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"I understand you don't want much," George says earnestly once we settle down on his dragon skin sofas and Venue (his most adorable house elf) brings us some fish and chip and warm Butterbeer, "but you can't expect to survive with your parents money and only 1/3 of a profit for the next 5 years!"

"And why is that George?" I feel my face get redder and warmer. I've just began my Auror training and I have but 5 years to go. It's only five years! After that, I'll be able to pay for myself.

"Well, you''ve still got five years of training left, and you have to admit after that Permanant Aging Potion the Malfoys tricked your parents into drinking, their condition is getting worse," he starts to explain, "and St. Mungo's isn't getting any cheaper. They've been sending you galleons of galleons, and sooner or later, they won't be able to afford it anymore. I care about you, and I don't want you or any of your family members to get hurt."

Wow...I love him so much. If I don't agree, he'll be hurt. If I do agree, he'll be happy and my parents will be too. I'll have to take it!

"Fine, I'll take half," I say, my eyes stinging, "but I'll work really hard, and you'll be coming to help me fix my house and help me choose my broom. AND you have to practice with me lots."

"Brilliant," he whispers, "just brilliant."

I've no idea what's wrong, which reminds me right away about how he looked so sulky when he was coming home.

"What's wrong, Georgie?" I ask, patting his knee.

"Nothing," he says, "not anymore. You've saved my life. It's just, I don't know how to thank you."

"What are you talking about?" I say, fear in my voice. For some reason, I don't want to know.

"Minister Diggory came in today," his eyes are swelling up, "he had said that if I didn't manage to find a new employee by tomorrow night, he would shut us down. When I saw you, I knew you were the one to save my life. Thanks.'

He grabs my hips and pulls me closer. I close my eyes, for some reason, knowing where this would be going. He whispers in my ear, "I love you," and kisses me. Not just a peck on the cheek, but a kiss on the lips. A warm sensation runs through my body, and I just sit there, kissing him back. His lips are so warm, also his hands. He runs his hands through my hair, and I feel a jolt of happiness through my body. After what feels like an hour, I pull way. His eyes are no longer swelled up, and not only back to normal, but filled with happiness. 

"Wow," is all I manage to say. A knock comes from the door, and he gets up to open it. 

"Hello mate," I hear an oh-so familiar voice ring through the halls. 

 "Hello, little bro!" George replies, excitement in his voice. It's Ronald Weasley! Or, as his brother kept calling him for a few years, Roonil Walzib. He's quite an ecstatic fellow. Not as exciting as George though. I hear their footsteps coming nearer and nearer until...

"Why isn't it Cindy Fortescue!" I see Ron's tall and lanky figure come closer and closer. He lands with a THUMP on the couch across from me.

"And aren't you Roonil Wazlib? I believe we've met a few times before," I retort. I've always hated my last name. Why, I'm not sure. Ron blushes for a few seconds before puttin a devilish grin on his face.

"At least I wasn't sitting here having a snogfest with my older brother," he replies, knowing he's defeated me. Before I can say anything, George comes in and starts to talk.

"At least we weren't spying on people busy snogging!" George says. Ron doesn't blush as I expected him to.

"I was ringing your doorbell for half an hour," he begins to explain, "but no one answered! I saw your flying Ford Escape parked out back, so I knew you were home. Did you just expect me to leave without your knowing you had left your wallet at the shop?"

"I didn't know!" George yells while surpressing a laugh, "You know my doorbell doesn't work and that the guy is gonna come tomorrow night!"

Before any of them can even open their mouth, I yell, "SHUT UP!"

They both stare at me, looking very shocked. I think I myself look shocked. They were getting on my nerves, what choice did I have? 

"Oh, I'm sorry," I say sarcastically, "next time you two want to have a fit, let me get out of the house first."

Ron giggles, and all of a sudden, we're all on the floor laughing hysterically. Why, I'm not sure, but I was having the most wonderful time! Finallly, after 5 minutes or so of laughing, we slowly start panting, and it gets quieter and quieter. 

"He-here's your wallet back," Roonil pulls out a green dragon skin (which I've been seeing a lot this evening) wallet out of his back pocket, and places it on the coffee table in front of him. As he gets up, I notice that George and I are very close to eachother. He turns his head and catches my eye, and I quickly look away. I fely really hot in the cheeks, and knew that I was blushing. 

"Well," George croaks, "I'll see you to the door, Ron."

George gets up, and holds out his hand. As I grab it, I realize that his hands are as sweaty as mine. I get up, and Ron walks towards me. He hugs me in a friend sort of way, and whispers in my ear, "You've made my brother really happy, thanks a lot."

"RON!" hearing George's voice, I get up and follow it. I'm about a meter closer to George than Ron. As I walk next to George, he puts his free hand around my waist. The other he uses to hold the door open. 

"What now?" Ron comes in, his jeans looking as though they're about to fall off. 

"I don't recall inviting you over for the night," George says, "Unless, of course, you've suddenly realized how to use a brain and cast a memory charm over me. Goodnight, goodbye, and good ridance little bro."

I hear Ron swear under his breath, and giggle a bit, before noticing George staring at me with a grin on his face and Ron yelling out good night from his broom, about to take off.

"Goodbye!" George and I yell out in unison, noticing all 3 of George's house elves are staring at us.

"Bye, 'night mates!" Ron takes off into the sky. He looks like a giraffe up there, but I don't say anything. George whisps me off upstairs, and takes me to a room that smells amazingly like chocolate.

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