Chapter 19

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Have you ever had the feeling that something's going to happen to you any moment? That's the feeling I have right now, this very moment that I lie down to bed. George is fast asleep, and I'm just here, eyes wide open, unable to sleep. Why? I've no idea, so don't ask. George is stirring a bit, but whatever. I'm used to it. Crrreeeaaakkk. I hear downstairs. It's probably just an elf, I think to myself. Crrreeeaaakkk! There it is again! I jolt out of bed, and whisper to myself, "Accio Baseball Bat," and one appears in my hand in seconds. I slowly make my way downstairs, and pause at the stairs. The floorboards creak again, and I know instantly that it's not a house elf. They don't ever make this much noise. It must be a burglary! Muggles, by the sounds of it.

"Hush now, dear!" a woman's voice comes from downstairs, and the grip I have on the bat gets tighter.

"I'm trying, mum! It's hard!" a young familiar voice comes. I decide to act up.

"THE POLICE HAVE BEEN CALLED AND ARE ON THEIR WAY." I yell out in my deepest voice possible.

"Mum, let's get out of here!" a little girl whispers. I can't do this. Just can't. Two children and a mother! It's too much to bear. I walk down, leaving the bat behind of course, and find them in the kitchen.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"So sorry ma'am!" the woman starts bawling. I can't see her, but she's young telling from the outlines of her face, and her hair, "We didn't mean to! We had no choice!"

"Who are you?" I repeat.

"It's...Hermione," she tells me, and I gasp.

"S-so this must be...Rose...and Hugo!" I say, on the verge of tears.

The lights come on, and all of a sudden, George steps into the kitchen.

"What's going on here?!" he says sleepily.

"Nothing!" I say, "Nothing at all. I kind of invited Hermione and her kids over and they got a bit late is all."

"But why did you invite them in the first place?" George asks, more awake now.

"Well," I think of a lie, "I don't know."

I can't lie to him! I just can't. He won't trust me anymore, and I won't be able to trust myself. I look to Hermione worriedly, who looks away quickly and with shame. I wonder why?

"Hermione, what's wrong?" George asks.

"Children, I'd appreciate you two to go to the living room please and she watches them go, "It's Ron. He...well...oh my...huh...this is harder than I thought. He's had too much Firewhiskey."

"Huh, figures," he shrugs.

"What do you mean George?" I ask, completely confused.

"This has happened before Cindy," he tells me, "I told them that if they ever need to get away, they can come here, BUT" -George turns to Hermione-"I'm sure I've told you before that you just need to knock."

"But we did," Hermione argues, "No one would answer, not even the house elves! So we had to break in."

"Let's not fight about this!" I say before George can start his yelling, "Let's just go to bed and deal with this tomorrow morning, alright? George, go to bed! I'll get out some extra mattresses and lay them in the living room, alright? Go, and good night, again."

I give him a kiss on the cheek, and send him off to bed. Then I turn to Hermione.

"Go in the living room," I tell her, "I'll be on my way, just let me get some mattresses."

She nods gloomily, and stalks off to the living room to join her children. As for me, I go to the basement, where we stored them. I grab my wand, and whisper, "Accio mattresses," and 3 mattresses appear in front of me. "Wingardium Leviosa," I point my wand at the pile and they immediately float, and I make them follow me upstairs and lay them all around the living room.

"You don't know how much I appreciate this!" Hermione whsipers into my ear, a little fear in. 

"Don't worry," I whisper back, "But next time, there's no need to break in! Haha." 

"Right, sorry!" she smiles, and walks to her children, tucking them in. I wonder if this what it's like having an actual family. Kids and husbands...anywho, I'm really tired at the moment.

"I'm gonna-yaawwnn-go to bed now," I tell Hermione, my eyes starting to water with tiredness, "See you in the morning. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, and thank you," she says as I turn around and walk up, half asleep.

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