Chapter 6

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"Draco Malfoy had been a Death Eater since he was in his sixth year of Hogwarts,"  George begins, "Almost every single member of the Malfoys had been a Death Eater. Including mass murderer Sirius Black's cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange. She had a thing for Voldemort, also known as Tom Marvolo Riddle. Bellatrix was one of the most loyal servants to The Dark Lord. The Malfoys used to have a servant that went by the name of Peter Pettigrew, one of Harry Potter's dad's best friends during their time at Hogwarts. In their first year of Hogwarts, Draco had been a very rudely kind type of person. He tried being friends with Harry, until Ron came in. Ever since, they've been terrible friends. Anyways, it got worse in the second year with Draco as the seeker for the Slytherin quidditch team. Then, he went and called Hermione Granger a mudblood, showing his colors brighter than ever. Ron, of course, being secretly in love with Hermione, decided to try and curse him, but it backfired, and things got worse than possible. Then, in their sixth year, Draco had decided to come back to school as one of Lord Voldemort's servants, also with the task of killing Albus Dumbledore with Avada Kedavra, but Severus Snape, the potions teacher at the time, ended up doing it. The next year, we had no news of them, because Ron was off with Hermione and Harry looking for the Horcruxes, and Lee and I were running our illegal radio station, making sure Harry and the others were safe and giving them hints on surviving. Draco's parents died in the Hogwarts Battle, and Draco, even though he stll despised the Weasleys, Granger and Potters, he became good. That's basically the story of Malfoy..."

Oh. My. Gosh. I never knew a Malfoy that well before...I know they had a dark past, but not this dark!!! 

"G-George," I stammer, "Do you h-have an as-aspirin somewhere? This is all so confusing!"

"Hang on," he apparates with a loud crack and disappears in mid-air, then comes back with an aspirin and a glass of water. I drink it, and as soon as I set it down, it disappears and the next thing I know, customers are everywhere. I spend the rest of the day completing customers' orders, restocking things, and feeding Pigmy Puffs. Finally, it was time to go home. The only break I'd gotten was lunch, and we spent that time apparating to Hogsmeade and went to a tea shoppe where couples mostly snogged and drank tea. It was quite fun, because the owner let us have a discount if we gave her two Pigmy Puffs to decorate the place. One pink, one purple. We disapparated and, as we came in, we noticed that Ron was yelling at a bunch of children. We didn't see anything wrong. Why was he yelling?

"Ron!" I exclaimed, "What on earth do you think you're doing?! What did they do to you?"

"I'll tell you what," he began to explain, "these gits tried to stea-"

"We weren't stealing!" a young boy with shuffled blond hair and ratty clothes barked.

"SHUT UP!" Ron barks, "As I was saying, they were trying to steal 20 galleons from me!"

"Why?" George looks from the three children to Ron.

"Ou-our sister," a taller boy explains, "she's a-awfully sick. W-we can't aff-affor it."

"Take her to St. Mungo's!" snaps Ron.

"Ron, Ron, Ron," George begins, "St. Mungo's is getting awfully expensive, and surely it won't hurt to lend them a few galleons here and there."

"I agree," I add in. George walks over to the cash register and pulls out a hanful of galleons. He hands it to the kids and says, "This is enough to pay for her bills. I hope she gets better."

And with that, the kids graciously thank him, and run off. That was our whole lunch hour. Then the rush happened again, and it was time to go home! Home. Sweet, sweet home. At least that's what I thought..

"Cindy," George says as we close up the shop our one hour early, "After we shop, I promised mum and dad we'd go see them! They want to meet you awfully bad."

I had completely forgotten about shopping, and for parents? Why not? The Weasleys were a cheerful bunch since I've known. Whatever.

"Sure," I reply, "and about the clothes...please don't spend too much money on me. I don't need so much."

"Nonsense," George and I, arm in arm, walk off to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, and have the hour of a lifetime.

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