Chapter 5

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As we passed Madam Malkin's and The Cauldron Shop, we run into THE Harry Potter, accompanied by Ginny Weasley/Potter. 

"Why, hello there!" Harry exclaimed, "George, who's this?"

"Yes, hello," Ginny greeted, "and George, I'm with Harry. Who is this?"

"Hello, little sister," George sneered, "little brother-in-law, nice to see you too. THIS is my fiance, Cindy Fortescue!"

"Hello," I mutter, "Pleased to meet you..."

"No, no," Ginny laughs, "believe me! Pleasures all ours!!! Isn't that right Harry?"

"Of course!" Harry smiles complimentary, "Congratulations George! You too Cindy!"

"Thank you!" George and I reply, smiling warmly. 

"No problem!" Harry and Ginny say, smiling back.

"I'm afraid we have to go," George decides, "the store needs to be opened! Cindy will be helping out now. We're calling it now Weasleytescue's Wizard Wheezes!"

"Ah, I see," Harry says, "We were planning to stop by later this afternoon! What time will be good?"

"About that," George explains, "We'll be closing up an hour early to buy Cindy some new clothes. I believe, since it is a Monday, before six o'clock tonight will do just fine."

"Thank you," Ginny says.

"Yes, thank you," Harry repeats, "Afraid we need to go now! Can't leave the kids waiting too long!"

"Same with the store," George waves as they set off to leave, "goodbye."

"Goodbye!!!" Harry and Ginny call loudly. As we watch them in the distance, we notice a young black haired boy give Ginny a hug. Then two others, a taller ginger-haired boy and a much shorter chocolate-haired girl, come along to hug Harry.

"The one hugging Ginny is Albus Severus," George comments, "the taller one is James, and the younger girl is Lucy. Those are my nephews and niece. Yours soon enough! I think you'll be meeting them later this afternoon!"

"I can't wait," I grunt. A worried expression comes over George's face, his eyes full of fear.

"What's wrong Cindy?" he asks worriedly.

"I-it's just," I sob, "I-I don't th-think they l-liked me very m-much!"

"Please don't cry!" George pats my back gently, "Ginny isn't used to seeing her brothers with girls as pretty as you! As for Harry, he seemed to like you a lot!"

I slowly stop crying, knowing George won't lie to me. I give him a hug, and we walk to the store. I notice that the name had been changed (I've never been here before, but I know from the pictures George has shown me). Ron was standing outside looking grumpy.

"About time!" he pointed out, "I hope you weren't snogging again!!! By the way, what is she doing here?"

"Good morning to you too," I say rudely.

"No, we weren't," George explains as he opens the door, "we ran into Harry and Ginny.  She's here for two reasons. a)She works here now so you two will have to learn to get along!"

"WHAT?!" Ron expresses, "WHY?! And what's the second reason?"

"Because," George says, "I love her lots, and couldn't bear to leave her home."

"And he's my fiance now," I add in. Ron's jaw drops, and George chuckled. If it were me finding out my older brother was getting married to a girl like me, I would've done the same. I scowled at him before stepping inside. I gasped at the sight of the place. There were Love Potions here, Skiving Snack boxes there, Puking Pastilles in the back, Nosebleed Nougats? by the door, a barrel of Biting Bubblegum in the middle of the room. There was so much more, I can't explain it.

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