Chapter 11

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"George, I have a question," I say at the end of the day.

"Yes?" he keeps his eyes on a particular store, London Planet. It's a store where they sell muggle clothing like pyjamas sets, jeans, sneakers (which I think would help with Quidditch).

"What happened last night?" I ask curiously.

"Uh..." he thinks for a moment, "It's a bit foggy you know, but I know we drank lots of butterbeer, and snogged quite a bit."

A woman and little girl had been listening to our conversation, and who i thought to be the mother was looking at us with disgust. I'm not sure why, he girl would probably be doing the same thing when she was older! Except for the Butterbeer... We finally reached a bright orange Ford Escape that could only belong to but one George Weasley. 

"Here we are!" George unlocks the doors and we climb in. Quietly. 

"Is there something wrong George?" he ask him.

"No, why do you ask?" he looks at me with a gloomy smile, which isn't like him at all.

"Well," I look for the right words, "It's've been...seeming...a bit...errm...gloomy. Yes, that's the word! Gloomy. You seem a bit gloomy."

"Oh," he furrows his brows, "it's nothing. Ron told me earlier today that Hermione wanted to meet you, and it's just, Hermione is very criticizing. I'm not sure I want you to meet her, but you'll have to soon enough."

"So that's why we aren't heading our normal way!" I had completely forgotten about this! Well, if she's anything like Ron was yesterday, then she MUST be bad, of course I don't say that out loud. A few minutes later, we reach a small town that obviously belongs to wizards. Wand making stores here, robe stores there, tea shops everywhere! There was even Snog'n'Stops! What a town. We didn't quite catch the name of the town because George had landed very quickly yet smoothly in front of the largest house there! And I couldn't quite believe that Ron and Hermione lived here. 'specially with Ron's pay...

"Welcome!" a sing-songy voice comes out of a wide open door. A bushy brunette steps out and so does Ronald Weasley. i assume the lady next to him must be Hermione.

"Hello," I say, "and thank you! Quite a home you have!"

"Haha," she replies, "no problem! And yes, thank you very much! Now, come in, won't you? It's quite chilly out here! Brr!"

"Of course," George comes next to me and holds out an arm for me. I grab it, and we walk up the steps and inside to a brownish-beige walled home. I hear two voices upstairs, one of a girl and another of a boy. Must be their children.

"Rose, Hugo!" Hermione calls up, "Uncle George is here! AND he has a surprise!"

Two young children that look like the perfect mix ofRon and Hermione run down the stairs. 

"Hello uncle George," the children greet in angelic voices. 

"Hello Rose!" George hugs the little girl named Rose, "AND Hugo! You've both grown a dragon's head since I last saw you!"

"You're so funny Uncle George!" the young girl laughs, but I notice the boy, Hugo I think, furrows his brows exactly like Ron when he's confused.

"Who's this?" he demands, pointing at me.

"Oh!" Hermione exclaims, "this is...erm.."

"Allow me to introduce myself," I say, "how embarrassing! My name is Cindy Fortescue! I'm your uncle's fiance!"

"What the bloody hell is a fiance?" Hugo asks. I'm quite surprised he even talks like that. Must get it from Ron.

'Bloody Hell' is Ron's personal sentence.

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