Chapter 18

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"Sorry about having to leave," I apologize after a few minutes of silence, "I had no idea that it would've happen. I know you put a lot of effort into taking me there, and it's all my fault. If I had decided to enjoy

myself. I'm terrib-"

"Don't worry!" he interrupts, "I was a bit bored myself! I don't mind one bit; Actually, I'm a bit relieved that we left. I was meaning to take you somewhere else today. We have to start planning for the wedding anyway!"

"Where to?" I ask him.

"First," he says, "We should book a caterer for the wedding and reception. Mum's a good cook, but not that good. Also, we'll need to book a fitting for the both of us. Maybe we should also go visit some of my Giant friends so they can forge some rings for us."

"G-giants?!" the thought scares me more than the thought of Voldemort returning.

"Yes, giants," he looks at me curiously, "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing," I lie, "I just haven't had good experience with them, that's all. Let's do them first, if possible."

"Alrighty!" he looks out to the sky, "off to the mountain we go!"

And with that, we fly off to the mountains. George had turned up the music, so there wasn't really a need to talk. We sang to the sangs (badly) and had fun, and stopped a couple of times for snacks. Eventually, we came to a beautiful view of mountains. We ended up parking inside of a murky cave pond thing. Not the best thing, let me tell you. There was spit everywhere!

"This. Is. Disgusting."  I say, enunciating every word. 

"You'll get used to it," he assures me, which actually disgusts me a bit more than needed, and I feel a barf coming up, but I try to hold it in. We keep walking and into a large forest, covered in stuff worse than spit, and I have no idea what to call it. Slime? No, that's not gross enough. I'll think about it later, for now, giants are approaching! I duck behind George, who looks at me strangely, and walks closer to the leader giant.

"GARDOB!" George hugs him, and I assume that 'Gardob' is his name...a strange one at that. 

"George Weasley," the giant replies quieter, "I have just received news that you were in the small village of Nix. Is it so?"

"Yeah, it is," George answers suspiciously, "They aren't the best bunch to be around, but whatever. We've come to-"

"And you kissed a girl there, am I correct?" Gardob interrupts grimly.

"Yes you are," George raises an eyebrow, "What's wrong?! It's as though the world's never heard of snogging!"

"They have," growls the giant, "The village of Nix is nowhere for a couple to kiss. Nix is where the most unimaginable thing has ever happened."

"What happened?" I squeak, realizing that I had never spoken once this whole conversation.

"Nix is where Salazar Slytherin was born," the Gardob character begins to explain, "A few years after he quit working at Hogwarts, he and Rowena Ravenclaw decided to become mates, and no one expected this! They stopped after the first kiss, where Slytherin decided to put her under the Imperius curse! Damn wizards would keep coming up with the stupidest spells back then...Anyways, after that, kissing was never allowed again. So you see, you kissing that girl came as a shock to them, and you're just lucky you got away before they killed you."

"Oh my gosh...this is so stupid..." I hear George swearing under his breath, then he comes back to earth, "Anywho, Gardob, we've come to ask you a favor. This girl here (her name's Cindy) and I are getting married soon, and I was wondering if you would forge some rings for us?"

"Of course!" Gardob's voice seems much joyful now, "We would be honored! Anything for a Weasley!"

"Thanks so much Gardob!" George says, elbowing my ribs.

"Yes...erm...thanks...a lot..." I say awkwardly. 

"We will need to measure your little so-called fingers," he jokes, "Come with me George and Sandy."

"Cindy," George corrects, and the giant nods, clearly ignoring. He leads us to a little tent, and upon entering, I discover it full of tape measures, hammers, metal, and other work tools. 

"This way," he grunts, moving things with his large feet. George plops down on what seems to be a bench, and pats next to him, gesturing for me to sit down. After a series of stepping on nails, tripping on hammer handles, and metal breaking through my shoes, I make it next to George, who I know is just laughing secretly to himself considering the grin he's sporting on his face. But I have to admit it's just so adorable! Gardob makes his way towards us with a strange tape measure.

"Hands, now," he commands, and, as if drones, George and I pull out our left hands. Silently, the large giant measures our ring fingers, and writes it down. 

"You can go now," he looks down at us, "I'll send the rings by owl. Would you like something engraved on them?"

George whispers something in his ear, and Gardob nods, smiling. Then he looks to me, "Do you want something written on his ring?"

"If you can," I whisper, "would you please write 'I love you George forever and always Love from Cindy' for me?"

"Of course! What a sweet couple," Gardob the giant takes one step and is right away at a table, writing down this. George gets up, and pulls me up along. We step out of the tent, and make our way back up the hill to the cave in which his car is parked, and we leave. That is, we try to. We get stuck in some...mud?! I've no idea, but George comes up with a brilliant MUGGLE plan.

"How about you take the wheel and keep pressing on the peddle while I go to the back and push the car?" he suggests.

"But, why can't we use a simpler way? A wizard way?" I ask him.

"Because I want to see if Muggles actually do have brains," he jokes, and steps out of the van. I know there's no stopping him now, so I sigh and move into his seat. Once in the back, he yells for me to put my foot on the gas peddle, and he starts pushing. The car revs for several minutes before taking off, and making George drop into the abnormal stuff. I stop right away and jump out of the car to help him up.

"Are you alright George?!" I ask him manically. He gets up, laughing insanely hard, and I laugh with him. He looks hilarious, and I know I'll never see it again. I grab a camera  from his dashboard and take an embarassing photo of him. 

"I'm fine you silly girl!" he says, wiping slime out of his eyes. 

"Let's go home and get you cleaned up," I suggest, and climb into the car. George climbs in, smiling like crazy, and we drive off after another exciting day. I hadn't realized that it had been getting dark out.

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