Chapter 16

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As I said the night before, we went to bed to await only an eventless morning. I woke up a few minutes earlier than everyone else, so I used that time to go to the washroom. It was quite quiet...After I went and finished all my business, I returned to the room. George, apparenlty, had already woken up, but the only sign there was was the fact that the blanket layed on the floor, as he always left it. As I fixed it up, he apparated behind me, with a yawn. Then I yawned.

"Guess you're yawning is contagious, George." I tell him, and he laughs a bit. We walk downstairs and fix ourselves some breakfast, with only a few words here and there.

"Have a good sleep?" he asks me.

"The best, and your's? I couldn't help but notice that you were tossing around quite an unusual bit," I reply.

"Bad dream is all," he tells me, "anyways. Coffee or tea? Or would you like a glass of orange juice to go with your Chudley Cannons cereal?"

"I think I'll take the orange juice," I say, "and do you want buttered toast, a blueberry muffin, some chocolate chip pancakes, or some cereal too?"

"I'll take a blueberry muffin, if you don't mind," he replies, pouring milk into my cereal. 

"Accio blueberry muffin," I say, catching a muffin with blue spots here and there. I set it on the table and ask George, "Tea, coffee, milk, juice, cola?"

"Haha, COLA!" he jokes. 

"Milk it is," I tell him, and grab a cup and pour the milk in. I would've used magic, but I was too lazy to walk back to the kitchen counter to get my wand. I set it down next to George, and take a seat across from him. Grabbing my cereal bowl and orange juice, I realize that I forgot a spoon. So did George.

"Smart move," he states, and I stick out my tongue. Getting up from my chair, a loud sssscccrrreeeaaaccchhh comes from it. I grab a spoon and my wand. Might as well. Sit back down and stick it in my bowl. It was quiet for a few minutes...ok. A lot of minutes. We ate our breakfast quietly, and once finished, I grabbed both our plates, glasses, and utensils and stuck them in the sink.

"What do you want to-yaawwnn-do today?" I ask him.

"Sleep?" he suggests jokingly.

"Sounds good to me!" I say gloomily, still half asleep. We finish and apparate up the stairs, and into our room. George lands with a flump on a bed, and I land on it with a thud. I grab the blanket, adjust it, and fall asleep. I dream a strange dream. About our wedding. It's the best thing that happens. We kiss, and he takes me on a honeymoon to a Muggle place called Disneyworld, and he pranks some of the managers. I'm laughing quite hysterically, until, that is, George wakes me up. 

"Cindy!" he says in a whisper yell, "wake up! It's one in the afternoon! Let's go somewhere."

"Five more minutes," I say, half listening. 

"NO!" he shakes me and I wake up.

"WHAT?!" I yell, a bit annoyed. I look at his face, only to find him half dressed, and grinning. 

"We're going somewhere, hurry up and get dressed. There are some jeans and a top insiide the washroom. Come on. I'll be downstairs."

"Alright," I get up and strip off my blanket. I stalk off to the washroom, get dressed, wash my face, brush my hair, and go downstairs. George, now fully dressed with a hoodie, some jeans, and some converse, escorts me to the backyard. We get into his orange car, and he takes off. I try asking him many times where we're going, but he never replies. Oh well. We'll just have to see what happens next.

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