Chapter 22

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The dinner had been delicious, and entertaining. George decided to catch a few wild fairies, putting them in some jars he'd conjured out of nowhere, and set them around a beautiful tree and put on a little show that consisted of him telling the stupidest jokes that you were forced to laugh at (What did one ocean say to the other? Nothing, they just waved) and choking on some sandwiches because I was laughing to hard. Eventually, juice was coming out of my nose and he had to stop for a while.

After a few hours, the sky was pitch black; except for the infinite amount of stars and the moon so large it looked as though it was an arm's length away from us. 

"It's such a beautiful night," I commented, staring at the beautiful night, my head resting on George's arm. 

"Not as beautiful as you," George said sweetly, and I turned my head to stare into his eyes.

"That very same line- strangely enough- was on that Muggle movie you were watching last night," I knew my smile was goofy and taking up my whole face, but I didn't care. George's grin spread from ear to, well, the hole where his other ear should've been, and he looked like we were in our first year again.

"You heard? I thought you were sleeping," he acted as though he was flabbergasted, but I knew he was just joking around. 

"I needed some water," I told him.

"And you couldn't've just Accio'd it?" he raised his eyebrows suspectingly.

"Nope," I smiled and turned my head to stare back at the moon. George chuckled next to me, and pulled me in closer to him, so I could smell his cologne. We spent the rest of the night sharing jokes and laughs, and fell asleep staring at the stars. 

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