Chapter 31 Unwind

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Adhya's POV:

Today is the perfect Saturday evening for a Netflix and chill session, although Adi and I both know that we'll probably end up talking more than watching. One of the things I love about him is that he's such a good listener. I had some lab work to do today, so after spending about an hour at the lab, I headed to Adi's flat with some snacks and groceries in tow. I watched a tutorial for a delicious Chinese dish on YouTube that I want to try making tonight. It's an experimental recipe, but that doesn't mean Adi should have to risk his life tasting it-luckily, I'm a pretty decent cook.

As I entered the flat, Adi was engrossed in his PlayStation, which was unusual. For the first time since we started dating, he was more involved with his gaming console than his books or YouTube tutorials. I think this PlayStation must have been a gift from Avish. But my man is a true gentleman; the moment he saw me, he dropped his game controller, rushed over, and gave me a tight, warm hug.

"Hey, did you leave your game running?" I asked him as I entered.

He didn't respond verbally, just nodded and took a deep breath. I hugged him again.

After freshening up, I returned with a change of clothes for him. "I've got a new recipe to try tonight. Would you like to taste it?" I asked, holding up his shirt and shorts.

"Yes, for sure," he replied with enthusiasm.

"Ha, very good. Never dare to say no to your wife," I joked as I moved towards the kitchen, not really thinking about my playful words. Suddenly, he followed, pinning me against the kitchen cabinet and kissing my earlobe. I kept my eyes down.

"Why are you shy, my wifey?" he teased, pulling at my shirt sleeves and kissing my collarbone. Before I could react, he bit my neck gently and gave it a long lick.

I turned to face him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, but he leaned in for a deeper kiss. "Mmm, your tongue tastes so good," he murmured as our kiss deepened, our tongues slowly and sensually exploring each other's mouths. When we finally broke the kiss, we stared into each other's eyes, and I realized just how much I'd missed this beautiful man.

"Hey, I'm here to cook, not for romance. Stay out of the kitchen," I teased.

"My presence is affecting my laddu" he replied, his voice deep and his eyes smoldering with affection. I was about to give him another peck when he took my hand and kissed my knuckle.

"That's for being so perfect. I'm lucky to have you," he said. I blushed, and he chuckled. As I continued cooking, he set the table and prepared the utensils.

"I'm going to the bathroom," he announced, "Be right back."

As soon as he left the kitchen, I took a deep breath, trying to calm the excitement he'd stirred up. After a couple of minutes, Adi returned smelling of soap, which made me smile.

"You look good," I complimented.

"I just came from the bathroom," he giggled, "but thank you."

"Yes, you do," I affirmed.

"Okay, can we eat now?" he asked, eyeing the food eagerly.

"Of course," I agreed.

"Can we pray first?" he suggested, placing his hand over mine. I nodded, and we clasped hands, bowing our heads together.

"Thank you for bringing us together," he said softly, looking up at me with tender eyes, "And for the food."

"Of course, Adi, it's my pleasure," I said, feeling my cheeks warm with a blush.

"May the Lord bless us with many more blessings," he continued, his eyes crinkling slightly with affection. "I love you so much."

"And I love you too," I smiled as he reached over to cut my food for me.

When we were done, we cleaned the dish together and settled on the couch. Snuggling close to Adi, I ventured cautiously, "How's everything going? I know it's not the best time to ask, but..."

"It's okay. I'm learning, Adhya. I never thought my whole life would someone will die in my hands. I opted for medicine to save lives, but look at it now," he shared, his tone tinged with the weight of his responsibilities.

"Hey, it's not your fault what happened, Adi. And I'm sure you're a great doctor. You still have a lot to learn, and you'll do just fine. Death are pre written." I comforted him, my words meant to soothe. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close to ease his burden.

After alive talking about any other things we finally trun on the tv "Let's leave all this for now. Let's watch a movie, okay?"

"Hmm... okay," he murmured in agreement. We chose a romantic film, and as the two lead actors began their on-screen romance, Adi drew me closer. His lips gently brushed the nape of my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. I turned in my seat to face him, our eyes locking and my breath catching. He leaned in for another kiss, this time on the lips, his hands weaving through my hair. After a few moments, I pulled away slightly, smiling shyly at him.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, though his tone suggested a playful insincerity. He pulled me closer again, kissing me more intensely.

After a moment, I gently pulled away. "No, don't apologize. I... I..." I stuttered, overwhelmed by emotions.

He leaned in, kissed me on the cheek, and then turned back towards the TV. I lay beside him, my mind racing. After a few minutes, I realized it was late and perhaps time to retreat. "Hey, I think it's late. I'll go to sleep," I suggested.

"Yeah, I'm sleepy too," he replied. We headed to the bedroom, where I completed my skincare routine and brushed my teeth. Adi joined me after a quick shower and turned off the lights before sliding into bed beside me.

We lay there in silence, my heart pounding as I pondered the night's events. Exhausted yet restless, I needed to talk, to reconnect. "Hey, Adi, can we talk?" I whispered, my voice shaky, hoping for a response.

But the steady rhythm of his breathing told me he was already asleep. I sighed, turning over onto my side, feeling the gap widen even as he slept just inches away.


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