Chapter 2 - Points to Gryffindor

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Vivian King's POV


Stop it!

I internally scream at myself as my tears continue to fall down my cheeks silently.

Stop this already!

I've shed enough tears over Aesop for one lifetime... I cannot keep doing this!

Sucking in a deep breath, I turn the sink on and splash my face with some cold water before walking back into my bedroom. "If he wants to behave like an arse then I am not going to let it affect me... I've done fine without him for six years... I don't need him... I-I don't... don't need him." My tears immediately start back up as the idea of losing him all over again is like a knife in my heart.

It was like I lost both of them...

Aesop survived, but he never came back from Scarborough...

Wiping my tears that keep falling, I shuffle to the small table I set up and take out my parchment to do what I've always done when I find myself crying over Aesop Sharp...

'Dear Darcy...'

I write on the parchment with my overly swirly handwriting.

So many hours she stayed with me as I would cry into her shoulder... so many late nights sneaking into the kitchen to eat sugary treats in order to raise my spirits as I watched the man I was so madly in love with pursue other witches... She's always been here for me...

Darcy King... formerly Darcy Newcomb... my best friend... my sister in law...

Writing out a detailed letter that covers every conversation, every emotion, and nearly every thought that has popped into my mind, I finally fold up and seal the 4 page letter.

I have always shared my innermost thoughts with her. Even back in school... And she never complained... she'd sneak me into the Ravenclaw common room so I was as far away from the Slytherin on my mind as possible then sit patiently and listen.

Yes, she was a class older and in a different house than me, but something about her just made me trust her completely... Maybe it's the same thing that made Clay fall so madly in love with her when they met?

"Hmm." I mumble out loud thinking about how my brother and I both fell for someone on the first day we transferred here. Of course it worked out far better for him... My eyes glance at my engagement ring before the image of Aesop yelling at me earlier tonight pops up again.

So many years I spent loving him... so many years I wished on shooting stars and prayed to whatever gods were listening that Aesop would see me as more than the young 3rd year who was lost and needed help finding her way... more than just Claytons little sister...

"But then he left..." I whisper, touching the ring on my finger. "And now I'm happy..." I feel myself having to force the words, but won't allow myself to think about all of Benjamin's past mistakes. He'll be moving here in a year... and he'll be around more... and we'll start a family... just like he promised... we'll have a good life.

Taking out another piece of blank parchment, I write out a quick letter for my fiancée, giving him an update on my role and asking him about work and when he plans on applying for the St Mungo's position.

Sealing the envelope with a kiss, I take both letters and begin walking across the castle grounds to go to the owlery so they can be delivered sooner rather than later.

Sharp Desire: An Aesop Sharp Love Story - Professor Sharp x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now