Chapter 9 - Ancient Magic

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Aesop Sharp's POV


Stop it! I scream at the woman sitting in the chair beside me as if she can hear my thoughts. Once again she not only is having her eyes shift from her parchment to stare at me, but she has taken her damn bottom lip into her mouth to bite AGAIN. AHH! I already had a lapse this morning... never thought I'd be grateful for Peeves to show up!

Vivian shifts in the wingback chair, tucking her leg under her as her eyes tail across my face once more. Think of Clay... focus on Clay... he'd want you to be protecting Viv from men, not be the man who's trying to... Ahhh! My thoughts turn to mush as she tilts her head, brown hair falling in graceful waves to the side as part of her neck exposes itself.

Taking in a deep breath, I adjust to look at her head on. "Are you alright?" I asking, keeping my voice as calm and causal as I can muster. "You seem distracted."

"I'm fine!" She jerks her head back down to the parchment in her hands. Her cheeks quickly grow flushed and it causes something in me to stir that chips away at the small remaining logical part in my brain that is screaming reminders about respecting what Clay would want.

"You're sure?" The words barely leave my mouth as my eyes glance across her perfect skin, taking in every inch of beauty.

"Mhm." She nods before she once more takes her bottom lip between her teeth. Oh Gods, have her lips always been so pink and-


"What?!" I startle, pulled from studying her perfect lips as they speak my name. I've never enjoyed the sound of my own name so much.

Ohhh this needs to stop. I push myself to focus and look at her eyes. This might be worse. An image of those same blue orbs looking up at me from her bed appears and I clear my throat as if that will also clear the sinful thoughts.

"Y-yes, Vivian?"

"I don't think I'm going to be able to focus... I do believe the lesson plan is more than ready from our last look through."

"Mmm." I nod. Perhaps it's best we end this early so I can take some time to clear my mind of her.

"Care for a drink?" She stands up from the large chair before I can add any more of a reply and flicks her wand towards a cabinet in her office, unlocking it. Pouring a glass of wine for herself and a fire whiskey for me, she returns.

Accepting the glass, I ensure my hand placement stays clear away from her fingers. "Thank you." Vivian doesn't bother sipping her own glass as she sets it on the small side table between our chairs, eyes once again watching me with an expression I could easily lose myself in. "How's Benjamin?" I force out the question, doing the only thing I can think of to help distract me.

"Oh." Her fingers suddenly start tapping away in her lap and for the first time since we entered her office I finally take a moment to look at her left hand. No ring? "I actually wanted to... um well I wanted to talk about that."

Setting my glass down, I give her my full focus as my heart begins hammering in my chest.

"This morning..." She starts, nerves making her voice waver slightly. "Um well... um I... I wrote to him and broke things off. Officially."

"Vivian." Don't say it's because of me.

"I-I know that, um well we have a long history and you've never been interested before but-"

Sharp Desire: An Aesop Sharp Love Story - Professor Sharp x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now