Chapter 13 - Through the Window

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A/N: Sorry, this is a quick one (Little over 2200 words). I've been on vacation and haven't had time to write, but wanted to get this posted so you all have at least a little something!


Aesop Sharp's POV


"You can do better than that!" Sebastian Sallow huffs toward me. I miss when he was afraid of me... damn Aurora for telling him the truth about Vivian's polyjuice threat. "Honestly, you need to go all out - not just some basic dinner!"

"Well I think it's romantic." Aurora elbows him in the ribs sharply which only seems to make the young wizard grin more. "King would say yes even if you just decided to ask her by sending an owl. I don't think she expects an over the top gesture. An intimate dinner is fine, Sharp."

"When did this even become a topic of conversation for all of you?" I state flatly as I look up from my desk to Aurora and her large group of sixth year friends all cramped into my office.

"We want to help!" Anne Sallow yells from the back of the group before she shoves and squeezes her way through Garreth and Imelda to the front. "King's earned herself a magical proposal. Seb is right! A basic dinner isn't enough!"

Releasing a large sigh, I stand up from my desk - taking my cane that does in fact love to scream and remind me to use it. "Enjoy your day off. Go spend some time in Hogsmeade or at the Pitch or something! Just somewhere I'm not." Aurora rolls her eyes, clearly wanting to continue the conversation. "Off with you." I swish my hand firmly once in the air dismissing them which finally does the trick.

Running off with hushed annoyed words under their breath I allow myself to fall back into my grading that I need to finish.

As I near my last paper, I decide to scribble out a note and summon an owl to deliver it to Vivian for me.

I grin down at the drying ink on the parchment that reads:

Soak in the Prefects' bathroom tonight?

X Aesop

Sending it off with a small barn owl, I suddenly find it difficult to focus on grading the last few pages as images of Vivian on top of me in the pool-like tub race through my mind.

"Ehh." I groan, almost immediately giving up on my task. "I have more important things to do." I state factually as I stand once more and immediately head towards the Magical Theory classroom - cane in hand.

"Oh! Pardon me!" I call out as I collide with a man turning a corner. Our shoulders slam hard enough into one another that I'm surprised he doesn't fall. "Are you alright?" Finally looking at the man who seems to be in his 30's his face is pale as though one of the ghosts just walked straight through him.

Shaking his head violently, I see a look of terror rip through his face before he continues running past me and down the hall. He only makes it another 20 feet before I spot Matilda appearing with several house elves surrounding the stranger.

Hmmm. A small part of me wants to go over and investigate, but once again I am reminded that I have more important things to do as an image of Vivian on top of me flashes in my mind. Turning quickly, I continue up the hall and turn towards the classroom who's pink door is wide open.

Walking inside, my face drops and any fantasy I was previously planning to play out vanishes as I see every desk in the classroom flipped over. Aurora and Vivian are standing at the front of the class, arms wrapped around one another in a tight embrace.

Sharp Desire: An Aesop Sharp Love Story - Professor Sharp x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now