Chapter 1 - Professor Sunshine & Candy

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Vivian King's POV


Feels like a lifetime ago. I giggle, running my finger over the crack that stretches across one of the courtyard benches. "I miss you." I whisper under my breath before standing up and adjusting the skirt of my dress to lay properly.

Giving myself a final reaffirming nod in the reflection of the fountain water, I turn on my heels and make my way towards the Great Hall.

"Good evening, Professor King!" The Deputy Headmistress greets me just before the large doors. "Glad to see you arrived early. Punctuality is the sign of a bright mind."

I suck in a laugh thinking she would fire me in a heartbeat if she pulled my old attendance record. "It's great to see you again, Professor Weasley."

"And you as well. I know you must be nervous, but if you need anything please don't hesitate to reach out."

"Thank you so much!" My natural smile covers my face as I attempt to bring it in slightly, trying to remind myself to rein in my cheerfulness. Professional... I need to be seen as a professional... "I truly appreciate all your help in getting me settled into the new role. Your correspondences have made this transition so smooth."

"Well it's a big change for you... but I'm sure your work experience at Ilvermorny has prepared you well enough."

"I hope so!" I blurt out a bit louder than intended as my nerves slip. "Teenage witches and wizards are the same everywhere, right? Regardless if they are in America or Scotland..."

"Unfortunately I think you are correct in that assumption... However, if you find somewhere where they are all well behaved then please do let me know." The older witch laughs softly, allowing my creeping nerves to subside as I giggle in agreement.

Waving me off, I continue into the large room and once again smile brightly as memories wash over me. Ooo it's been too long. Glancing at the currently empty Hufflepuff table, my eyes fall on the section of the bench that was formerly my favorite seat. Gave me the best view of the Slytherin table...

A small ache travels through my heart as I recall the meals I spent looking past the many students' heads to see my two favorite Slytherins. It truly was a lifetime ago...

"Professor King!" The unfortunately familiar voice of the Headmaster calls my attention as I turn to see Professor Black walking towards me. Just as he had in my interview, his eyes unsubtly rake over my dress. If it wasn't for Professor Weasley also being in the interview I don't think I would have agreed to work for this disgusting male.

"Good evening." I force a smile, adjusting my posture to hide as much of my chest as possible from his lingering gaze.

"The far right seat is yours." He gestures behind himself towards the seating reserved for staff.

"Oh, thank you!" Eager to avoid further conversation with him, I offer a polite nod before quickly passing the man and taking my place beside a dark skinned woman who flashes a kind smile my way.

"Mudiwa Onai." She extends a hand towards me. "Professor of Divination."

"Vivian King." I happily accept the shake, eager to meet my new colleagues. "Professor of Magical Theory."

"You have some big shoes to fill, Miss King." She whispers, leaning closer. "But I am sure you'll be up to the task."

"I do hope so." Naturally my fingers begin tapping away in my lap nervously. "I did hear about the former Professor in my role... Such a tragedy to lose a great educator."

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