Chapter 10 - Grass is Green

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A/N: Two things...

1 - I updated the cover for this story so hopefully you all like the new floral art more than the simple pink design it originally was. This is the first time I used AI to help come up with a cover and I think it actually turned out pretty good! I still had to make adjustments, but am overall happy with it! (For those of you reading on A03, I'll include the art at the end of this chapter so you can see it too.)

2 - ***Warning*** for anyone not interested in smut, this chapter dives into the spicy times! Turn back if you wish, if not, enjoy!


Aesop Sharp's POV


"Clay loved teasing me about my love for you." She states bashfully and my eyes jerk up to look at her. He knew? Clay knew she cared about me? "Pulled quite a few pranks at my expense in front of you actually... He said they'd make great stories once we finally got together."

"Once we got together?" My mouth is dry as I pray that I heard her correctly.

"Um... yes..." An adorable blush grown on her cheeks and the will power I have begins slipping. "He loved the idea of you being his brother..." Her lips keep moving but I can't make out any more words as my thoughts start slamming into my mind. He 'loved the idea'... he wanted Vivian and I to...

"He was okay with... he would be okay with us... together?"

She nods her head, a small smile curving on those lips that I haven't been able to stop thinking about. "Of course he would be... He trusted and loved you nearly as much as Darcy."

Before she even finishes her last word I'm moving forward. My mind floods with a single focus to finally touch... to finally show her just how badly I want her.

I waste no time as I pull her into a kiss and I nearly become undone. Heaven. I think, as if her lips are gifting me life itself - I greedily capture and deepen our embrace.

"Mm Aesop." Sher hums against me then releases the most seductive moan I've ever heard. My need takes on a new life as I lift her up, walking her back to the bed. I can't wait... we've already wasted so much time... The giggle she lets out as I lift her, warms my whole chest. I could listen to that for the rest of eternity and never tire of the sound.

"Gods, I love that sound." I whisper my thoughts before taking her into another kiss and resting her on the bed.

I can't rush this... I remind myself as my instinct wishes for me to take her wild and passionately. I need this to be perfect for her... I smile looking down at her before I begin placing small kisses all over as I start removing layers from us both.

As I get my shirt off, she flicks her wrist and vanishes her dress. Dear Merlin, please do not let this be a dream. My mouth parts taking in the sight that I didn't allow myself to appreciate properly the other night.

The look she gives me is so sinfully lustful that I know I'm at full mast pressed against my trousers. Reaching up towards me, she gives me the first sign that she's just as impatient as I am and begins working to remove my belt.

You're perfect. I think to myself, but by the expression on her face I realize I may have spoken aloud. Shifting on top of her, I angle her jaw with one hand as we embrace once more and I nibble at her bottom lip. Growing more bold, I let my fingers start to trace small patterns on sensitive areas around her thighs, not quite shifting towards where I know she wants me to go.

Sharp Desire: An Aesop Sharp Love Story - Professor Sharp x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now