Chapter 7 - Lower Hogsfield

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Vivian King's POV


"Hmph." Mirabel crosses her arms, leaning up against a potting station in the greenhouse. "I'm sorry, Vivian, but that doesn't excuse him for not properly writing to you for two days after the fact!"

"Well he knew the Aurors were notifying me of what happened." I attempt to defend Benjamin once again even though in my heart I know just how pathetic it sounds. I've already invested so much time into the relationship and I promised myself I wouldn't make any rash decisions until I see him in person. Then if I want to throw this ring in his face and storm off I'll be able to... but until then I need to try and guide Mirabel away from completely despising the man. "There was an emergency and he was the only qualified staff within apparition range at the time."

"Has he even wished you a happy anniversary yet?"

"Yes!" I declare, proudly - Finally something I can give Benjamin credit for. "In the letter from yesterday he wished us a happy anniversary, apologized, and sent a lovely gift!"

"Ah." She gestures to the necklace I'm currently wearing that's partially hidden by my top. "That flashy piece isn't even your taste, Viv."

"Mirabel!" I huff, annoyed that she is right. While it's not my preferred style... it is beautiful and... ughhh yes a bit too flashy... But I'm sure he must have taken a good deal of time picking it out!... Or not... I could also just as easily see him walking in and asking for something at a high price point that's popular for sellers... "Please..." I step forward, grabbing her hands as I try to will my own negative thoughts away. "I know he has made many mistakes, but I do still care for him and I wish for you to support my decisions... Please lessen the negativity? I understand your concerns, so please drop it." Am I trying to convince her or myself?

Nodding silently, she shifts her hands to pull me in for a tight hug. "I just wish you'd see what I do." She mumbles quietly, before shifting her demeanor into a smiley one. "Okay... change of topics!" She claps her hands together, allowing a blooming smile to appear. "Tonight I want to take you out and meet someone."

Barely able to contain a laugh I roll my eyes. "Mirbel, I just sai-"

"Not a date!" She quickly corrects her choice of words. "A good friend of mine, Sirona Ryan. She owns the Three Broomsticks... I think you'd get along swimmingly annndddd Sirona and I have a tradition where we go out once a month for some drinks. I'd love to introduce you and have you come with us for our next night out!"

My chest blooms with warmth at the idea of gaining another friend, especially if she is anything like Mirabel. "I'd love that!"

"Brilliant!" She rocks back and forth on the balls of her feet in excitement. "Meet me at the main gate around 8pm."

Giving a firm nod, I turn and head out the metal door only to be met with five pairs of eyes looking at me. "Good morning!" I try to ignore the various intense looks as I greet Anne Sallow, Imelda Reyes, Poppy Sweeting, Natty Onai, and of course Aurora Everhart. How is it these sixth years seem to be everywhere?!

"Your man really stood you up then didn't contact you for days?!" Imelda blurts out, a frown on her face. "What a bloody twat."

"Language, Miss Reyes!" I try channeling my stern voice. "And you should not be listening in on your Professor's private conversations."

Rolling her eyes, she waves her hand dismissively. "Maybe our Professors shouldn't be having private conversations in a room made of glass where students can hear them clear as day from outside."

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