Chapter 4 - Kings Castle

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Aesop Sharp's POV


"Oh just stop your complaining already." Vivian mumbles under her breath as she sits on my bed waiting for me to finish tying my tie. Finally giving into her obvious frustration at my lack of tie-tying ability, she bounces up and swats my hands away to do it herself.

"You're forcing me to go so I am allowed to complain all I want."

A small smirk peeks up on her lips. "I don't think anyone could force you to do anything, Aesop." You have no idea how wrong you are... I think back to the numerous times over the past few weeks where all she's had to do was smile and I've indulged her every ask.

'Aesop, won't you please come with me to Honeydukes?'

'Oh, Aesop, Maribel and I are going to eat by the lake. Join us? Pretty plleeasseeee!'

'Mmm a trip to the kitchens sounds perfect. Let's go! You could use a break from grading papers.'

Merlin, what is wrong with me? Has my guilt truly made me such a pushover to agree to every ask? Normally I would be fighting tooth and nail to stay in my office or quarters... content to being alone and researching or grading.

Finishing my tie, she takes a step back before giving me a final once over with a proud nod as meets me eyes once more. "Looking Sharp." She states the one joke that Clay and she never tired of saying over the years.

Rolling my eyes, I shuffle past her as I grab some floo powder for each of us.

"Aesop." Her voice shifts from teasing to serious as she moves forward. "Don't be nervous, okay? They've missed you terribly. They were thrilled when I wrote that you were coming with me tonight."

A lie. It has to be a lie... I pinch my eyes shut as I try to gather whatever courage I possess within me still. Maybe someone as gentle as Vivian can look past everything, but how can they?

A warmth caresses my cheek. I know she's trying to help me, but I refuse to open my eyes. I can't do this. "Stop worrying." Her whispered words are so close to me. "My parents love you... Darcy misses you... this is a night to celebrate a reunion."

"I can't." The words leave my lips in barely a whisper, I'm not even confident she heard me.

"Please." More warmth envelops my other cheek and I finally open my eyes. Merlin... Blue eyes peirce into me and I know that I'm doomed to do whatever she wants. "Please." She asks again, a nervous glint in her eyes as she continues cupping my face with her hands, gently rubbing her thumbs just the smallest amount across my beard.

"Fine." I huff out, pulling both her hands from my face as I shake out my head to rid the image of those blue orbs looking up at me.

I don't need to be looking at her to know her smile has returned full force, a radiant beam of joy appearing in my peripheral.

Looping her arm through mine, she drags me to my stone fireplace before counting down to indicate when I should throw the powder. "Three - Two - One - 75 Kings Homestead!" She shouts out the name of her parents home as we are pulled through the flames and abruptly spit out into a parlor that looks exactly as I remember it.

Cozy and cluttered. That's how I always described the Kings home whenever I visited. Well used furniture, throw blankets on the back of nearly every cushion, windows opened up to let in the fresh air and what remains of the day's sun... collectables, nick knacks, and photos... Merlin, so many bloody photos!

Sharp Desire: An Aesop Sharp Love Story - Professor Sharp x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now