Chapter 3 - Battle of the Gryffindors

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A/N: So sorry for the delay! I fell into a Drarry reading-hole and got side tracked from writing. (If you all want a fic rec, highly recommend checking out The Ordeal of Being Known by louisfake on A03... so good! Love some sassy Draco moments lol)

Hoping to post a minimum of 1 chapter a week for this story moving forward :)


Vivian King's POV


"Oh!!! So close Miss Sweeting!" Professor Ronen calls out as the ball from Summoner's Court is pulled too far and falls off the platform.

Clapping my own hands together, I cheer on the 7th year student representing my class as they move in place for their turn. "You've got this!" I call out encouraging words before looking at my colleague beside me. "Thank you so much for allowing us to join today, Abraham."

"Oh it is my pleasure!" The kind Charms Professor smiles. "These 6th years could use some good competition." He gestures to the younger students in his class before glancing at the 7th years currently under my supervision.

As my student wins, gaining another 30 points on their last move, I clap my hands together once more before gathering my class to the side. "Very good! Wonderful round! Now, just like before, the first student with 5 points will play next." Behind me, I hear Abraham mimicking my quiz game as he begins asking his students Charms based questions and passing out points to the first student to answer correctly.

"Alright." I take a seat on the edge of the platform to look at the students all sitting in the grass. "Who can tell me the name of the most celebrated Magical Theoretician in history?"

Hands shoot up and I call on the Ravenclaw who was first to raise. "Adalbert Waffling!" She speaks swiftly with a cocky grin.

"Perfect!" I clap my hands together. "Adalbert Waffling wrote the book, Magical Theory, and was the wizard who officially announced the Fundamental Laws of Magic to the Wizarding World." I swish my wand, passing the student a piece of candy. "Who can tell me why-" I cut myself off as I spot Professor Garlick exiting the castle and heading towards us with a group of students in line behind her. "Mirabel!" I call out with a fast moving wave.

"We heard there was a game going on and thought we'd take advantage of the day to join you!" The 5th years all lined up behind her shift forward with overly confident expressions as they eye the other two classes.

"Well it seems a battle of the upperclassman is in order then!" I increase the volume of my voice and all my 7th years stand up from the grass, determination at proving themselves as the top year burning in their eyes. "Professor Ronen!" I call out to the other Professor who seems beyond excited with the new students joining in. "What do you say, a tournament?"

"Oh yes!" He beams, looking over at his class. "We won't have time for everyone, but how about each class nominates a few students to represent?"

"Yes! I'm in!" I hear Mudi's daughter, Natty, call out from the Charms class. Oooo she is a skilled player... definitely will be picked to complete.

"Very well!" I turn back to my class. "Let's have a vote! Please volunteer 3 students to represent our class."

It takes only minutes for what seems to be every student in free period to find their way out to the lawn to join in the crowd. Round after round, the games grow more intense with shouting, cheering, and more elaborate obstacles being added to the platform.

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