Chapter 11 - The Bet

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Vivian King's POV


"Better?" I question with a hungry look in my eye as I watch Aesop sink into the large bath. Taking advantage of our faculty access, we've warded the Prefects' Bathroom for the evening to not allow anyone else in.

Tilting his head towards me as he fully submerges, a look I've now grown quite used to flashes in his eyes.

"Aesop!" I giggle, splashing some water in his direction. "Not here!"

Reaching out, he pulls me into his lap as citrusy smelling bubbles pop around me from the movement. "How am I supposed to resist?" He grins, hands already working their way down to start teasing me. "I'm sharing a private bath with the woman I love. I'm far too weak to resist temptation."

"We came here to relax and stretch your leg in the water." I attempt to scold, but the touches he's started are already leaving me breathless and panting.

"I think my leg will feel much better after this." He smiles against my skin as he starts kissing up my neck - beard tickling my nerves as goosebumps coat my arms.

"Mmm." I release a small whimper as I squirm in his lap, brushing against his member that's already almost fully grown.

He moves his hands again as he adjusts my position to straddle him in the water, his back pressed against the side of the pool like tub as he sits on a built in ledge surrounding the underwater border. "I've been thinking about this all day." His voice is low as he starts lining us up, his tip pushing against me. "But if you truly don't want to, I can stop."

I shoot him a look as he's well aware of how eager I am to have him at any occasion. He chuckles, leaning forward to kiss the tip of my nose before moving to my lips. "Well what are you waiting for?" I bite his lip to tease him. "A formal invitation?"

"Gods, I love you." He tightens his hands around me to pull me in for a deeper kiss. As his tongue works into my mouth, he guides my hips down, pushing into me. "Ah, fuck..." He groans as I surround him completely. "So good, Viv." His lips capture mine once more as his hands grip my hips moving me back up then down his shaft. "So fucking good, Darling."

"A-Aesop..." I stutter out between heavy breaths as I bounce on him. A light-headed euphoric feeling starts to take hold after a minute and I can't tell if it's his kisses, the heat from the bath, or the force he's slamming up into me at, but I swear I see stars swirling on the ceiling above me. "Right there!" I scream as he shifts one hand to rub me as he continues his pounding.

"I'm not going to last long, Vivian." He warns, voice sounding ragged and heavy. I glance down to meet his eyes and he looks back up at me with an expression I can only think to describe as a disciple worshiping at an altar. The pure devotion and utter marveling of those brown eyes shine at me.

"I love you." I whisper, hand moving up into his hair as I keep my eyes locked on his. He thrusts up into me once more and I moan out, taken with how perfect he feels inside of me. "Fuck!" I crash forward into his lips, which he eagerly reciprocates.

I hear him mumble various praises against my lips as we continue and I feel my own peak starting to build as his hand keeps moving against my most sensitive spot.

"Aesop, I-I'm close, Love." I breathlessly pant, pressing my forehead against him as I start coming undone.

"That's my good girl." He presses kisses against the side of my face. "Cum around my cock, darling." Only a few more seconds pass before I'm whimpering against him and I convulse. "Oh, yes!" He grunts in my ear as he feels me contract around him, triggering his own final release. "Gods, you're perfect. So good." He continues with his various praisings, pulling back into an intimate kiss while filling me up. "I love you so much."

Sharp Desire: An Aesop Sharp Love Story - Professor Sharp x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now