Chapter 12 - The Keepers

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A/N: Not a super long chapter but one that I loved to write for Aurora's story.

Also as a side note for those reading week to week, I went back and added in a concept image for the golden snitch costume Vivian wore a few chapters back. Feel free to go back and check it out.


Vivian King's POV


A buzz of joy completely surrounds me as I sit in the comfy chair and watch my family tear into their Christmas presents. Holidays in our home have always been a bit chaotic and oooo I just want to capture the look on Aurora's face!

I jump up and steal my fathers camera from the side table.


I click the shutter and the perfect image of Aurora looking gobsmacked at the chaos while Aesop laughs beside her is captured.

"Go on!" I move through the room that's already becoming an obstacle course of colorful torn paper. "These are all yours, Aurora." I gesture to the pile of presents that vary in size.

The young girl looks up at me like I have two heads.

"I was taken back my first time here too." Aesop offers, passing one of the gifts to her. "You'll learn. The Kings like to spoil everyone they can."

"This is too much." I hear her state under her breath towards him. "I cannot accept these."

"Oh nonsense." I move even closer, taking a seat on the floor beside her as Aesop looks down at us from his chair. I rest my hand gently over hers as I smile in what I am hoping is a reassuring way. "Happy Christmas, Aurora."

The twinkling of the fairy lights dance in her dark eyes and for a moment I think they almost get glossy before she blinks and brings her focus onto the present. I glance up at Aesop who mouths 'I love you' silently to me, and I melt from the moment. It all feels so perfect. The three of us here... it's like it was meant to be.

It takes Aurora all of five minutes before she fully embraces the idea of someone giving her things and she is right beside Nicholas as they destroy the wrappings and beam with excitement at whatever item is underneath. Of course while Nicholas is being given toys, Aurora is unwrapping books, clothes, sweets, and some more age appropriate items that I heard Anne mention she'd be wishing for. I must admit, I may have overdid it in the quantity I got... but OoooOoo look at how happy she looks!

Soon, I feel Aesop nudging me with his foot, gesturing to my own gifts that I've long forgotten about. I get up to grab presents from both mine and his pile before returning.

I am primarily gifted collectables and trinkets to add to my ever growing collections, and Nicholas gives me a variety of drawings that he stated 'must be hung up in the castle' once I return. My final gift is from my love - an oval silver locket with a photo of Clay and Aesop inside. So perfect!!!

Aesop is gifted practical things like a pocket watch from my parents and rare potion ingredients from Darcy.

I give my present to Aesop last - as he unwraps the sleek black cane I bite my lip in anticipation, hoping he'll like it, but also knowing he will resist using it. The cane's silver handle is intricate with a swirling design and a polished finish. It curves, adding both a stylish look while being practical and most importantly, comfortable to grip and put weight on. "I know you hate using the one you currently have..." I start, gaining his attention. "And since you're so stubborn about it, I enchanted this one to encourage you to use it."

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