Chapter 6 - Anniversary

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Vivian King's POV


Wrapping myself in a thin shawl to cover my exposed shoulders, I grin with excitement at my reflection. Eeeee Benjamins coming today!!!

A bright smile on my face, my engagement ring sparkling on my finger, and my outfit toned down to a duller blue for his preferred taste - I'm feeling confident that our reunion today will be both passionate, loving... and hopefully will be what convinces him to move here earlier than next year.

Checking the time as 11:00am, I know his train won't be arriving for another hour, but I can't stay put in my quarters any longer.

Taking a long walk-about route I get close enough to the Quidditch pitch to hear the chatter of players warming up and the early bird spectator claiming the best seats for the game at noon. Perhaps Benjamin will allow us to catch the end of the game after we have our initial reunion?

I smile at the idea of introducing him to all my co-workers and friends. Merlin knows I've talked about him enough with Mirabel. I believe she was half wanting to come with me to the station to put a face to the name... though a small part of me also worries that she may have wanted to lecture him as well...

A frown over takes my smiles as I think of how defensive the normally soft spoken witch became when I finally opened up to her about how my proposal occurred. I wish I didn't tell her... I didn't mean for her to gain a poor impression of him...

Shaking my head, I rid myself of the negative thoughts as I tighten the shaw on my shoulders to protect from the November chill and adjust my grip on the gift bag in my hands. Continuing my long walk to Hogsmeade Station, I take a small detour into one of the small shops in Hogsmeade, picking up a tiny box of fresh baked goods that I believe will make a welcomed snack for when he arrives.

Taking a seat on one of the benches lining the platform, I place the box beside me, adding the gift bag on top then begin my patient waiting for the noon train to soon arrive.


"Excuse me, Sir?" I run up to the front car, tapping the conductor on his shoulder. "Is there no one else?" I gesture back to the train that just emptied with roughly two dozen passengers, none of which were Benjamin.

Nodding his head, he raises a wand to cast a silent spell towards the train cars. "Yes, Miss. No passengers left."

"You're certain?" I ask, knowing my eyes are pleading.

An empathetic look crosses the older man's face, but he nods once more. "Perhaps the person you are waiting for caught the next train? I believe it is set to arrive at 1:30."

"Oh. Yes, perhaps." I force up a smile. "Thank you, Sir."

Walking back to my bench, I slide next to my items and place my hands together in my lap. Benjamin is known for being late... 1:30... an hour and a half late isn't so bad.


Maybe just a small bite... I chew my lip, eyeing the baked goods that are still fresh in their box from the charm. Now closing in on 5:30pm, my stomach is betraying me as it growls with a fierceness.

A tiny bite is fine, right? It's not like he planned for me to get him a snack anyhow... I reach forward, but stop myself. No. No... I can wait a little longer. The next train will arrive soon and I'm sure he'll be on it.

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