Chapter 8 - Ashes

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A/N: My brain was struggling to get the pacing of this chapter right!

Hope you all enjoy how it turned out! Would love to hear your thoughts!

Also just a heads up, some spice in this chapter (Nothing crazy, but if that isn't your thing then this is your warning!) 


Vivian King's POV


"Mmmm." I hum, as warm hands trail up from my calf, to my thigh, up my waist, and trace small shapes across my collar bone. Shivering at the sensation, I reach to grab the hands, bringing them up to my lips to lay soft kisses on them.

Rough and a little calloused, I feel my heart start racing as I think of how I want those hands to move all over my body.

"Turn around." Aesop's voice whispers in my ear, sounding a bit gritty from his sleep. Complying, I twist my body in the bed to face him, my nude form pressing up against his own has those deep brown eyes scan across me with a hungry need. "Mmm you're perfect."

Leaning forward, I place a line of kisses starting at the top of his scar over his eye, all the way down his cheek. "We should go back to sleep." I whisper, my lips gracing against his skin.

His hands pull me even tighter against him then his lips capture my own and all thoughts of sleep vanish as desires flood through me.

My mouth fills with the taste of him and I can't stop myself from inviting the kiss to deepen. A low moan vibrates from the back of his throat and I nearly become undone from that sound alone.

"Aesop..." I whimper when he shifts down to kiss across my neck.

Mouth hungrily biting, kissing, and sucking on the pale skin of my throat, lewd moans come from me and fall into the air.

Slipping one hand between us, I gasp as his fingers pull my legs apart then slide down to slowly tease around the bundle of nerves I'm begging him to touch.

"OooOo, Aesop... I...Oo...Gods..."

"Use your words, Viv." He chuckles against my throat, nipping once more. "Tell me what you need."

I don't hesitate or second guess myself as I immediately cave to his request. "You. Please... Oh, please touch me, Aesop... I need you."

My moan is unabashedly loud as my nails stink into his back when his fingers start to move in swift brushes over my most sensitive bud. Barley even adding pressure to it, his slight subtle touch and his continued kisses on my neck are more than enough to have me panting, already on the verge of crumbling over the edge.

"Mmm. More... please. More."

Another soft laugh leaves his throat that warms me. Oh I love his laugh... "With pleasure, love."

"Oh gods!" I scream as his thumb continues to work perfectly against me as he slides a finger into my entrance - curving it in to scrape against the sensitive walls. "Yes! Aesop, yes!"

My orgasm ripples through me as I shoot myself up in bed, forehead damp with perspiration and my lower region wet from the far to intense dream I just had.

"Oh fuck." I pant as I try to regain my breath, but just as I suck in a gulp of air a mind-splitting headache pierces into me. "Ah!" I close my eyes, cradling my face in my hands as I begin feeling a wave of nausea bubble up. "Not good. This is not good." I talk outloud to myself, unsure if I'm referring to my hangover or the dream that is still very much at the forefront of my mind. "Oh, not good at all..."

Sharp Desire: An Aesop Sharp Love Story - Professor Sharp x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now