Chapter 5 - Golden Snitch

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A/N: Had some extra time this week to write more, so here is an early released chapter :) 

Hope all of you are enjoying where I'm taking the story so far!  


Vivian King's POV


A tear hits my hand as my head slumps over, sitting on the cold stone bench. Where am I?

I force myself to look up. The night sky is above me, the air is warm. I've been here before...

A fountain behind where I sit... and a castle... Ah... Hogwarts... I finally feel a slight comfort in identifying where I am. But why am I crying? I force myself to stand up, but halt as my perspective feels off. Am I shorter?

Looking back at the water behind me, I see a reflection of my younger self. Eyes a little red, my brand new Hufflepuff tie pulled loose around my neck. This isn't real. I realize, as I look around the dream... well technically memory.

"Third year." I speak out loud recalling this night. September 1st. My very first day at Hogwarts.

"Who's there?" A deep voice cuts through the dark courtyard as my past self begins frantically wiping my face to hide the tears. Looking up, my breath leaves as the most handsome boy I've ever laid eyes on walks towards me - a shiny Prefect badge pinned on his dark green jacket. "What are you doing out after curfew?" He asks, warm brown eyes watching me cautiously.

Blushing, I avert my eyes from his intense gaze. "I'm sorry." My voice comes out in a shaky whisper. "I was trying to find my brother, but then I got lost and couldn't remember the path to the common room."

I don't look back up at him, but I feel him watching me. "Are you Vivian King?" He asks after a few silent seconds and my eyes jerk up at him.

"H-how do-"

"Your brother mentioned he had a little sister." He relaxes his body language, almost to reassure me that I'm not in trouble. "And there aren't any other students running around with American accents." I feel the warmth from my cheeks deepen as he smiles at me kindly. "Come on. I'll take you to visit him real quick and then we'll get you back to Hufflepuff."

"Really?" I ask, stepping up closer to him.

"He's my new roommate. It's not a problem." He turns, gesturing with his neck towards a large door. "This way, Miss King."

"You can call me Viv!" I blurt out, far louder than I intend as I move to walk close beside him. "What can I call you?"

"Okay, Viv." He chuckles a little and I feel it happen. Oh. "Name's Aesop Sharp." There it goes. "Aesop's fine." My heart isn't mine anymore...

I wake up as the dream ends and I'm left with the same emotions that my 14 year old self had back then. Aesop... I close my eyes, trying to bring back my present day feelings. He's my friend now. I'm engaged to Benjamin. I'm happy.

The thoughts repeat in my mind like a matra as I fully wake myself up and climb out of bed.

Brewing myself a nice potent tea, I prepare an extra cup then slide a robe over my sleep dress and slip out to knock on the door beside mine.


Knocking again a little louder this time, I finally hear some shuffling before Aesop opens the door - hair messy, face a bit twisted in annoyance. Awww I wish I had a camera! But as he sees me and the cup of tea extended out, he offers a smile. "Thanks." He mumbles, accepting it.

Sharp Desire: An Aesop Sharp Love Story - Professor Sharp x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now