Chapter 14 - Episkey

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A/N: Alright, after some rewrites of the outline I FINALLY have settled on the story's ending. I was writing the last couple chapters and it didn't feel right so we scrapped it and came back to a new idea that I like much better! Hope you all like it too!

I think this story should wrap up soon, so maybe only 1-2 chapters left after this one.

Thank you all for reading :)


Aesop Sharp's POV


"That's..." I stare eyes wide in a mix of shock and awe as I stare at the wound Aurora just healed on the Mooncalf. "That's incredible." I know my voice is barely audible, but I'm hoping my expression says enough to show how impressed I am.

"OoooOOO!!!" Vivian squeals, pulling the younger witch into a hug. "You're advancing faster than we could have ever imagined. You are a wonder, Rory!"

A small blush appears on her face as she hugs her back and for the first time I can say whole heartedly that Aurora holds no remaining resentment or spite towards the woman who's slowly turned into a motherly figure for her. "Thanks, King." She finally is able to leave her arms to look at me. "So what do you think?"

"Incredible." I repeat myself now at a volume they can actually hear. "I've seen your magic in action from the battle last year, but I didn't know it was capable of healing like this." I pause my next sentence knowing I have to tread carefully so as to not discourage her. "It isn't... um, it isn't the same as what Isidora Morganach had done when she used her magic, right?" I recall in detail what Aurora shared with me regarding what exactly happened with the Keepers and the memories they showed her last year.

The same annoyed teenage look she get's far too often with me flashes as she shifts her weight to one hip and crosses her arms. "I'm not Isadora, Sharp."

"I know that!" I quickly try to amend my statement to smooth things over. "I just know she was attempting to heal pain and this is remarkably advanced healing for a non verbal spell to-"

"Isadora's mistake was trying to remove pain completely, to erase it as if it never existed." Vivian cuts in, placing a gentle hand on Aurora's shoulder as she speaks at me. "But healing isn't about erasing; it's about mending and making whole again. Aurora understands this..." She glances at her with a soft smile and it warms my heart as I think they really do look like mother and daughter right now. "We knew that she could use her power to transfigure enemies and unleash violent attacks when she's in a panic, but as we've been training and working on control we've been focusing on enhancing known spells with her power. Now we've decided to apply that same tactic to healing."

"Use her magic to enhance healing spells like she's done with combat?"

"Exactly!" My love smiles at me. "What you just saw her use was a simple Episkey spell."

"That was Episkey?!" My jaw falls open as I think of how the large wound the creature got from trying to sneak under the fence was healed in just 2 seconds with not even a scar visible. How would a basic healing spell for tony cuts and bruises do that?!

Aurora finally smiles again as she sees my impressed reaction. "I think I might be able to cure you... King still says it's a long shot cause curses are so different than normal wounds, but... but we are adding my magic in as a possible solution for you."

"Aurora." I sigh, praying internally she isn't doing all this just to heal me. "My curse is not something I want you to concern yourself with."

"Oh stop doing that." Her smile drops again as the annoyed look returns. She rarely gives Vivian that look anymore. Why am I always on the receiving end of her attitude now?! "I am doing this to yes, help you and also yes, to master this magic I've been given. King and I sent some hypothetical situations of how my magic is able to heal to that American doctor to see if he thinks it could help with potential treatments and he finally got back to us saying it has great potential."

Sharp Desire: An Aesop Sharp Love Story - Professor Sharp x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now