Chapter 32 Regret

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Adhya POV:

I woke up around 8 but couldn't find Adi in bed. After completing my morning routine, I walked toward the hall where I found Adi holding some papers in his hand. My body froze for a second, but he didn’t utter a word and moved towards the kitchen. He poured some coffee into a cup and handed it to me. "Adi, that..." My words stopped short under his intense, heated glare. Within seconds, my eyes filled with tears.

Gathering my courage, I pleaded, "Just give me five minutes, I will explain everything. Please, Adi." All I received in return was his stony silence.

"Speak up, Adi!" My voice cracked with frustration.

"What do you expect me to say? That I'm okay with this? That it's fine to just drop a bomb like this and act as if nothing's changed?" he replied coldly, his voice a mixture of hurt and disbelief.

"Adi, I... it’s not like that. I wasn’t going to just leave!" I exclaimed, trying to hold back more tears.

Adishh POV:

How could she not tell me about Sweden? About moving so far away? I felt a mix of betrayal and panic. "And when were you going to tell me? On your way to the airport?" I accused, the hurt evident in my voice.

"Adi, please understand. I was going to tell you... I was just trying to figure out how to do it right," she replied, her voice trembling.

"Figuring it out? By leaving me in the dark? Is that how we work now? Keeping secrets?" I shot back, unable to hide the frustration and anger building inside me.

Adhya's face crumbled, and she reached out, her hand trembling. "No, Adi. I... I thought about it, and I decided I'm not going. I can't go. Not without you, leaving you that this situation, I cant go when your suffering" she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

I looked at her, confused and taken aback by her sudden decision. "You can't make decisions based on me, Adhya! Your career, your dreams—they can't just be tossed aside!"

"It’s not just about my career, Adi! This is about us, about what I want—and I want to be here, with you," she insisted, her determination clear despite the tears in her eyes.

"And what about what I want? Do you think it’s fair to make me the anchor that holds you back from such an opportunity?" I argued, feeling torn between my love for her and wanting the best for her.

"Adi, you're not holding me back! You are my home, and I’d rather lose a job than lose you," she said passionately.

I paced back and forth, raking my fingers through my hair, my emotions in turmoil. "I don’t want your sacrifices, Adhya! I can't have you resent me one day for choosing me over your dreams."

"It's not a sacrifice if it's a choice I want to make, Adi! Why can’t you see that? Why can’t you trust my love for you as much as I trust in us?" She was pleading now, her eyes earnest and full of pain.

"Because it’s not just about love! It’s about life, about surviving, thriving! Don’t ask me to be okay with you giving up parts of yourself for me. I can’t do that. I love you too much. But i'm not that selfish dont play stupid game just like immatured one. I dont want your sacrifice in name of love." After taking long breath "if I was in my place I would closed career over you."

"Don't you fucking dare, Adi." She hissed, unable to control her emotions. "You are not going to insult me like this and my feels are not for granted moreover I level my fucking relationship and my loved one's feelings with my fucking life, you think i'm that stupid, yes, I will leave." She was beyond angry, her words filled with a cold fury as she fought to contain her emotions. After a minutes "don't you think that we gonna work on long distance relationship, i'm give a last chance to you if you stop me I am gonna stay forever with you or else your Adhya is gone." After take time she break her silence "Then let me make your choice, Adi." she implored, stepping closer, her eyes searching mine for understanding.

We stood there, a mere breath apart, the weight of her words hanging between us. In that moment, I realized that her staying wasn’t just about sacrifice—it was about choosing where her heart belonged. And as much as it terrified me to accept such a weighty gift, I knew I had to step back and let her choose her own path—even if it was one that led her right back to me.As I paced around the apartment, my thoughts churned in turmoil, each step echoing the heaviness in my heart. The weight of sadness settled over me like a suffocating blanket, drowning me in its darkness. It felt like a storm had brewed inside me, raging with remorse and regret.

"Adi, Adi, Adi..." Her name echoed in my mind, a haunting reminder of her absence. She had always been there, a constant presence in my life, a pillar of support. How could I have been so blind, so oblivious to her pain? Guilt gnawed at me, clawing at my conscience.

I collapsed onto my bed, the weight of my emotions crushing me. Each breath felt like a struggle, the ache in my chest unbearable. I had pushed her away, hurt her with my words, and now she was gone. The realization hit me like a tidal wave, overwhelming me with grief.

Tears streamed down my face, unchecked and unrestrained. I curled up into a ball, clutching at the empty space where she used to be. The silence of the room was deafening, echoing with the echoes of my sobs. How could I have let her slip away, let my fears and insecurities drive her away?

Exhaustion washed over me like a tidal wave, pulling me into a fitful sleep haunted by dreams of her. I tossed and turned, tormented by memories of our time together, haunted by the words left unspoken. I wished with every fiber of my being that I could turn back time, undo the damage I had caused. But in the darkness of the night, all I could do was mourn the loss of what could have been.


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