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2:00 PM
[ City Mall ]

At the main entrance of the biggest busy and bustling mall in the city, the second child and oldest daughter of the Sully family walks out carrying many bags. With three other girls in tow, each heading back to the car to leave their heavy bags before going back in, Kiri pulls her ringing phone from her purse.

She holds it up to her ear after a swipe, sliding her feather-like hair out of the way.

Kiri- Hey, girl. What's up?

The clopping of her heels stops as she suddenly freezes in place, making her friends stop as well and look at her.

Kiri- No way. Are you serious? I called it!

Alice- Is that Tiffany?

Kiri- Yeah! And like I said, Ron's been cheating on her with Sabrina.

Her three friends all gasp as they resume their walk into the parking lot.

Kiri- I know right! I told her and she didn't believe me.

Grace- You're always right, she should listen more.

Alice- That's what I was saying.

Gloria- She really needs to give into Kiri's wisdom.

Kiri- Exactly! Oh, yeah I'm still here.

She directs her speech back to her friend on the phone.

Kiri- So how are you coping? Need me to bring some chocolate ice cream, movies, and a book of common sense?

The other girls snicker at her last suggestion.

Kiri- I'm not picking on you, I'm just saying, I told you so.

They soon reach the vanilla colored limousine where Kiri's hired chauffeur awaits them. Her friends start loading their bags, and the tall driver takes hers for her while she focuses her attention on her conversation.

She absentmindedly hums in response to her friend's words as she adjusts her outfit while looking at her reflection in the vehicle's window.

Kiri- Mhm, okay. Well I can't stay long if I do come over, I have to be home by 5:00 for some reason, and we're going into the mall again.

With their heavy bags gone, freeing their tired arms, the girls turn and begin walking back to the entrance. Kiri takes a moment to stop, and turn around, addressing her driver.

Kiri- Thanks, Bernard. You're the best.

The man nods with a soft smile she can't see past his mustache.

Kiri- Okay, Tiff, I gotta go. Try not to eat your weight in sorrow, Ron really isn't worth it. Bye-bye.

She hangs up and quickly sticks her phone back into her purse while she sashays back into the mall for one last round of shopping on the fourth floor.

3:00 PM
[ The R-K'd Arcade ]

Within a popular arcade down the street from the mall, the third child and youngest son of the Sully family is playing a racing game against one of his friends while the rest of their group watch in excitement.

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