Part 2

66 3 2

Monday - Week 1
7:40 AM
[ H-School Cafeteria ]

With their lunch trays in hand, the Sully kids locate Nina's table and make their way over. The girl happily greets them again as they take seats. Kiri sits next to Nina, and Lo'ak sits next to her with Neteyam on his other side. Nina begins introductions for them. Starting with the light skinned girl in front of Kiri, with black wavy hair.

Nina- This is Tsireya Cloud, and those boys are her brothers. Aonung, say hey.

In front of Lo'ak, the boy mentioned looks up from his phone and gives a small "hey" to the waving freshman in front of him. Kiri leans onto the table with a wide smile saying "hi" back to him, drawing his attention.

Nina- The one next to him is Rotxo River.

They each look at the boy in front of Neteyam in an oversized hoodie wearing shades, and he tilts his head up shortly as his greeting. Neteyam can't help but focus on his different last name, and the fact that he doesn't seem to share any of the same features as his siblings.

Nina- And this here is Voxell Metkayina.

They look back down the table at the curly ginger headed girl sitting across from Nina. She smiles at them, then locks her light grey eyes on the ones of the oldest Sully boy who's giving her a look she recognizes.

Nina- Guys, this is Kiri, Lo'ak, and Neteyam Sully.

Tsireya- Nice to meet you guys! How are you liking the area?

Kiri takes a moment to think of her honest answer. For some reason she doesn't understand, their father chose to downsize, and now all the extra space they once had doesn't exist. The rooms are smaller, there are less rooms in general, there's no pool, their neighbors are too close for her taste, and she hates living there.

Kiri- I haven't really gotten out into it. We got here two weeks ago, but exploring new places without company isn't fun so I'll do it after I find some friends.

Nina- Consider me one.

Kiri- Thank you.

Tsireya- Me too.

Nina- What do you like to do for fun?

Kiri- Shop my ass off.

Nina- (laughs) You're a no-budget girl aren't you?

Kiri- Hell yeah, no limits over here.

Lo'ak glances at the giggling girls, then quickly looks back at the game he's playing on his phone.

Aonung- What're you playing?

Lo'ak- Gold Racers.

He answers without taking his eyes off the screen.

Lo'ak- You play?

Aonung- Yeah, what's your tag?

Lo'ak- CaptainLo'akDoubloon.

Aonung- CaptainLo'akDoubloon? With the pirate ship as a vehicle?

He looks up from his game and holds his hand up with a finger curled like it's a hook.

Lo'ak- Arr.

Aonung blinks for a moment before a delayed laugh escapes him as he looks back down at his phone. Lo'ak looks back to his game and sees the team request the boy sent him, then accepts it.

Spiraling [Neteyam x Aonung]Where stories live. Discover now