Part 1

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Monday - Week 1
7:30 AM
[ Awa'atlu High School ]

The three older Sully teens step out of the short, vanilla colored limo, in front of the two story high school at the drop off. Kiri adjusts her blouse in the window reflection before waving at Bernard, the only staff member that was able to still work for them after the move.

Neteyam's first instinct was to go his separate way, but his father ordered them to stick close to be able to look out for one another. He's never been interested in listening to a word that comes out of his mother's mouth, though there are few directed at him, but he wants to listen to his father.

The man has always been somewhat absent, but something about the times Jake would try to talk to him and see how he was doing, even though he was clearly tired, earned some kind of respect from him. He doesn't quite understand it, this urge to please the man when he asks something of him, but he doesn't fight it either.

So, here he is, following behind his sister as they enter the school, and seeing his younger brother seeming almost excited as he walks next to him. Makes sense, since this is Lo'ak's first year of highschool.

Each of them has already met their homeroom teacher, since they were forced to go to an open house with their father. They gave them slips of paper with the floor and door numbers of their homerooms on them. For now, however, they're heading to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Kiri walks in front of them with pride, sashaying in her high heels and skinny jeans with her book bag hanging off her shoulder. Since taking up modeling she has a habit of striding like one on an everyday basis wherever she goes. Meanwhile Neteyam strolls casually behind her with his hands in the pockets of his jacket, and Lo'ak clutches the handles of his backpack.

As they walk into the crowded area, a group of girls stare towards them, likely at Kiri. The Sully girl notices and waves, with a smile, which makes a few of them wave back. Kiri then chooses the line, and her brothers follow in silence.

Suddenly, she turns to face them, and breaks that silence.

Kiri- Okay, I know Dad said to stick close and all, but I can't have you two dragging behind me all day.

Neteyam's brows crease just a bit as he wonders when the last time was that he spoke to his sister.

Neteyam- Wouldn't be all day, we all have different classes.

Kiri- Thanks for that, smart ass, but you know exactly what I mean. The "follow Kiri" routine stops here. I'm not gonna spend breakfast with you, or lunch, and especially not after school.

Neteyam- Not that I want you around, 'cause I don't, but what could you possibly have to do after school?

Kiri- I'll have a clique by then. Not if you guys keep following me around, though, you're dulling my image. Stand back some. Give me some space.

She does a pushing motion towards them, making Lo'ak instantly step back, and Neteyam glances at him then rolls his eyes while he does the same.

Kiri- Ah, I can finally breathe.

Nina- Hey, are you guys new?

They each turn to look at the blonde girl, with brown eyes, cutting into the line to speak to Kiri. She instantly smiles at the girl.

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