Part 7

72 5 1

Wednesday - Week 2
6:05 PM
[ Scooter's Fryers ]

At what's known as the best fry place in town, Aonung and Neteyam sit across from each other at a booth next to the window.

Aonung spent ten minutes trying to figure out what his passenger wanted to eat, and his question was always answered with another question. "Why this?" or "Why that?" Then they spent another five minutes deciding whether to go inside or in the drive-thru.

After the exhausting conversation, that didn't even solve their problem, Aonung decided to make the decision himself.

So, here they sit, within the restaurant side of Scooter's Fryers. The building is technically two that are connected by a door in the back where only employees go. The one side being a calm black-carpeted restaurant with red, decorated walls, and the other side being a smaller, black and white tile-floored fast food place.

Aonung is glad he decided to come inside, he would've hated having to ask Neteyam what exactly he wanted to order while in the line. Here, he can decide on his own without him having to be involved.

A waitress strolls over to them with two menus, placing them on the table, then pulls out a sticky note pad.

Gladis- What drinks would you boys like?

Neteyam picks up the menu, looking into the drink section, but since Aonung has been here plenty of times, he orders his usual.

Aonung- An Orange-Surfer for me.

Gladis- One Orange-Surfer soda. And you?

Neteyam- Um . . .

He stares closely at the menu, and has no clue which of these choices he should pick. Since childhood, he's only ever eaten and drank what was given to him, with no questions asked, because his mother was the one feeding him and never bothered to let him figure out what he likes. Even once he started getting food for himself, though, he only ate what was familiar. The only thing he's sure he doesn't actually like, is his mother's vegetarian food.

With no idea what to choose, he gives up on trying, and sits the menu down.

Neteyam- I'll have the same as him.

Gladis- Okay, that's two Orange-Surfer sodas. I'll be back with those in a few.

As the woman walks off, Aonung raises a brow at him for a second before looking down at his menu. Neteyam does the same, though he has no idea what to eat. He looks up at Aonung, and he catches him watching and waiting to see what he'll get so he can order the same. He looks back down to his menu, and so does Aonung, but the boy seems to have taken his look as an invitation to converse.

Aonung- I think I'll try something different tonight.

Neteyam- Like?

Aonung- Mmm, maybe the spicy tots basket. You?

Tater tots, he's familiar with, but spice?

Neteyam- I'll try that too.

Aonung's brows furrow as he squints at him.

Neteyam- What?

Aonung- Why do you keep doing that?

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