Part 9

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Friday - Week 45:00 PM[ The Sully Residence ]

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Friday - Week 4
5:00 PM
[ The Sully Residence ]

The oldest Sully boy lies on his stomach across his bed, wishing he wasn't home but also not having a way to be anywhere else. Their father is working, and their mother has the chauffeur and is out on the town. Aonung dropped him and Lo'ak off a while ago, and the younger boy has been spending time with Tuktirey.

Neteyam, without a car, has lost a bit of his freedom. There's always the option of paying for other transportation, such as a bus or taxi, but then he'd be operating on someone else's time; He hates that.

He could tell a certain girl to pick him up, but he hasn't felt like seeing anyone for the past few days. After a week of being annoyed with his own mood swings, and inability to focus, he doesn't want to deal with someone else's emotions.

Not that it's anything new, but his mood instantly worsens the moment he's home. He's somewhat content when he leaves for school, knowing he won't have to be back for hours, but once he starts going to his classes his head is in a different place depending on which one he's in.

His first class irritates him, his second class angers him, he's neutral at lunch since he focuses on eating, then feels more content in his third class, and grows irritated again in his last.

After school, he and Lo'ak usually ride with Aonung and his siblings. Tsireya always sits in the third row with Lo'ak, Neteyam sits in the middle by himself, and usually gets mean glances from Rotxo who's in the front. For some reason the quiet boy acts like he has a problem with him.

On days that Kiri rides with them instead of going out, she takes the front seat, and unfortunately Neteyam ends up next to Rotxo, pretending like he isn't there.

Aonung seems to ignore his step brother's glares, and tries to make conversation with Neteyam, only succeeding half the time. He doesn't know why, but he finds himself feeling nervous when he specifically speaks to him while they're around others. Surprisingly, though, he isn't bothered by it, it's just become a part of life.

Lastly, once he's home, his bad mood starts all over again, and doesn't stop until the next time he leaves. It's a cycle.

His head's been this way for the entire week, and he has no clue why. He's never had such a range of emotions on repeat all in the same day. Typically, he would be content on a regular basis, and sometimes mildly annoyed, but not anymore.

With a bored sigh, he rolls over onto his back and stares up at the ceiling while thinking of his siblings. Kiri annoys him to no end, but not because she comes to bother him, she's just chatty about everything when she's around.

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