Part 11

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Friday - Week 46:10 PM [ The River's Beach Home ]

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Friday - Week 4
6:10 PM
[ The River's Beach Home ]

Neteyam pulls onto the private property in the little red car Aonung lent him. There's a quaint beach house that's smaller than what he was expecting, and Aonung's vehicle is parked next to it.

With the satchel hanging from his shoulder, he exits the car and jogs up onto the porch, and as he was instructed over the phone, he opens the unlocked door, letting himself in.

The space inside is mostly open, aside from the dining table in the middle. There's a bathroom to his right, a staircase further in near the kitchen, and a bedroom to his left. Since the door to the bedroom is open, he walks over to it, and as he thought, there he finds Aonung. The boy is lying on his back, on the edge of the large bed, sprawled out with a leg hanging off.

He takes the satchel off as he approaches, and sits it next to the unconscious boy as he pulls out the syringe. Before he can start wondering where and how he's supposed to inject it, he finds a sheet of paper in the bag explaining just that, with Rotxo's name signed at the bottom.

Just like Aonung said, he really did know just what to do.

As carefully as he can, he follows the instructions, then places the syringe back into the satchel.

All that's left now is to wait, and as he waits, he observes.

Aonung's blue t-shirt is ripped in a few spots, a little blood staining the areas. There are some small cuts on his arms, and one across the side of his face, along with a bruise. Nothing looks too serious, so he's beginning to wonder why he sounded like he was in so much pain when they spoke on the phone.

There's at least thirty minutes he has to wait before Aonung wakes, so what is he to do? Sit on the other side of the bed and try to be patient. Normally he's the type that would've gone as soon as his task was done, but he wants to see him at least wake up.

Perhaps to get an explanation as to why he was out somewhere getting so beaten up. He might even go as far as to say he wants to make sure this boy is okay.

He hums to himself, thinking the need to confirm that strange. Must be a side effect of this "crush" he has. It hasn't been long since he even discovered he has it, and it's already getting on his nerves.

In light confusion, and a bit of wonder, he gazes down at Aonung's face. Why do people like other people? That's simple. There are various reasons, but it all comes down to attraction.

Love at first sight is a complete myth, but attraction is almost instant. One can easily be hooked by someone's looks, or voice, or behavior, etc. For Neteyam, it always starts with sight, and it never goes further than that.

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