Part 8

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Friday - Week 4
4:00 PM
[ Crested Mall ]

At the bustling three-floored mall of Awa'atlu, Tsireya, Kiri, and Nina walk out of the first store they shopped in, and the Cloud girl only has one bag. They're using Nina's small car, and she knows Kiri will take up most of the trunk space, as she does every Friday when they go out together.

Usually Voxell is with them, but the girl had other things to do this evening, and apparently the rest of the weekend.

As they head down the large halls, looking for the next store they'd like to visit, they walk side by side as they converse. Until a tall woman going the opposite way bumps Kiri's shoulder, making her body turn to the side.

Kiri- Hey!

Nina and Tsireya turn around, as does the tan woman that they now see is wearing a curly pink wig. With a mean look, she glances between the three teenage girls, and scoffs.

Cristine- Move out the way next time.

Kiri- You could've walked around, there's plenty of space.

The woman flips her hair and stands with a hand on her hip, while the other one is held out with a small purse on her forearm.

Cristine- I shouldn't have to stray from my path just because you little girls all want to walk next to each other.

Nina- So your lazy ass can't just step to the side in this wide hall full of open space?

Cristine- What did you just call me? Learn some respect, little girl.

Kiri- You're a grown woman arguing with some teens over something that was your fault. Why should we respect you?

Nina- Respect for the elderly.

Cristine- I'm not fucking old.

Nina- Could've fooled me with that face full of make-up. Not to mention your outfit. You look like you're having a midlife crisis.

Cristine- You little shits have no right to talk to me like that.

Nina- And you have no right to just assault Kiri.

Cristine- I didn't-

Kiri- You're lucky I'm already rich as hell, or I'd take you to court, and sue you for harassment.

Nina- Damn, sexual assault, didn't think of that one.

Kiri- She totally touched my shoulder in an uncomfortable way.

Cristine- I did nothing to you!

Nina- You tried us.

Kiri- And you just failed.

Nina- Now, we have places to be.

In sync, the three teens walk off from the highly offended woman, snickering about the way they flustered her. Though Tsireya didn't partake in even speaking to the mean woman, she did find the moment funny.

4:45 PM
[ Crested Mall's Food Court ]

Kiri, Tsireya, and Nina are all at a table, enjoying some ice cream together since this is one of the last hot days they'll have before Fall starts in about a week. At the small table for four, Kiri enjoys her vanilla ice cream, while Nina has chocolate, and Tsireya has strawberry.

She takes one of the strawberry chunks out and eats it by itself, savoring the taste.

Kiri- We should totally hit up Zestie's next, I'm dying for some new shoes.

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